The Passport Bundle

Emily Eaton
Bare Blends
Published in
3 min readNov 25, 2016
Passport Bundle

If you have travel plans (lucky you!) then you know what it’s like to be living and eating outside of your normal routine.

If you’re busy sunbaking in the south of France, or drinking cocktails in Berlin, one thing that often gets neglected when we travel is our nutrition.

That’s why we’ve created a travel bundle for our friends with itchy feet. So you can enjoy the best of what the world has to offer, and feel great while you’re there!

Our Passport Bundle contains our Bare Greens, Bare Berries, and sample sizes of our WPI blends, all in small and compact sizes that are easy to fit in your backpack. Here’s a quick rundown of how each of these blends can help you stay healthy on your travels.


Bare Greens

Bare Greens is a concentrated greens powder that is bursting with potent vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, and phytonutrients. It is the perfect way to energise, revitalise and restore your body and support an energetic lifestyle.

Of course, organic and fresh greens are always best, but when these aren’t readily available, Bare Greens is the perfect way to still get the nutrition you need, and at only $1.65 per serve, it’s a more economical way to get your organic veggie intake.

Bare Greens will help to detoxify your body — it will cleanse, alkalise and oxygenate your blood — perfect if you’re feeling a little dusty after a big night in a new city.

The plant phytonutrients and chlorophyll that it contains will also help improve brain function, enhance immunity and give your energy levels a boost.

Bare Greens delivers a broad spectrum of what your body needs to replenish rather than tax your internal organs, no matter what you end up eating and drinking overseas!


Bare Berries

Bare Berries was designed to be the most potent broad-spectrum antioxidant powder available on the market. The antioxidants in Bare Berries will help to protect your body from disease, delay the signs of aging, and promote your overall health.

Just a few of the amazing benefits Bare Berries may provide:

- Organic broad spectrum antioxidant to help neutralise free radicals

- Promotes healthy skin, visions and cardiovascular function

- Protect against memory and cognitive loss

- Helps to assist with anti-inflammation

- Delicious berry taste

- Slows processes associated with aging

- Will help to support healthy digestion and boost immune system function

- Promote healthy brain and nerve function

So remember to look after your health, skin, brain, and the rest of your body when you’re travelling with this powerful blend.



Our premium Native Whey Protein Isolate comes directly from grass-fed cows in France. Our WPI is the perfect blend for post-workout. This is due to the very high levels of protein (roughly 26g per 30g serve) and minimal amounts of sugars, carbs, and fats. It will provide your muscles with the nutrients they need to recover quickly after exercise.

WPI will also assist with weight management, lean muscle building, lowering blood pressure and boosting your immune system and energy levels.

It can be shaken with milk, and also be used as a meal replacement when you’re on to go, especially if blended with a high-quality nut or dairy milk, and fruit/veggies/nuts.

The 30g packet sizes in the Passport bundle is one serving size — for a perfectly convenient serve of protein that is deliciously flavoured with either organic raw cacao, or organic vanilla bean.

So travel the healthy and delicious way, and get your hands on our Passport Bundle at our online store.

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