The Perfect Homemade Almond Milk Recipe

Emily Eaton
Bare Blends
Published in
3 min readApr 6, 2017
homemade almond milk

Making your own almond milk can not only save you a lot of money, but will result in a milk that is full of flavour and without any additives.

This is the way we make our housemade almond milk at the Bare Blends Smoothie Bar. This almond milk mixes perfectly into smoothies, or shaken with protein. It is the best almond milk we’ve ever used, due to it’s unrivalled flavour and creaminess.

By making your own almond milk, you can be sure that your milk is free of sugars, gums, and other filler ingredients. Freshly made almond milk is also superior in flavour. It’s also important to know that many store-bought almond milk only has as much as 8% almonds. By making your own, you can control how almond-y your milk is. This recipe is about 25% almonds.

Here’s how to turn 1 cup of almonds into 1 litre of almond milk.

Step 1. Soak 1 cup of almonds for 24 hours in at least twice the amount of water.


Step 2. Strain the soaked almond and rinse thoroughly under fresh water.


Step 3. Add to a blender jug with 1 litre of fresh, filtered water.


Step 4. Add a generous pinch of salt.


Step 5. Blend in a high-powered blender for 2 minutes.


Step 6. Get your nut milk bag/cheesecloth and place it over a jug or vessle.


Step 7. Pour the blended nuts into the nut milk bag over the jug.


Step 8. Squeeze the milk out of the bag until you are left with only almond meal in the bag.


Optional: You can keep the almond meal and use it in raw treats and other recipes.


Step 9. Bottle the milk, and make sure it is airtight. The less air, the less it will oxidise.


Step 10. Keep your almond milk in the fridge. It will last 3–4 days.


We use this almond milk in smoothies, oats, coffee, matcha lattes, iced cacao, and more. It can be used in most recipes and will always add a creamy consistency.

So before you drink the whole jug, here are some recipes made with almond milk for a little bit of inspiration.


Raspberry Peanut & Vanilla Shake

See Recipe

Coconut & Berry Smoothie Bowl

See Recipe


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