Bare Naked Bradshaw — a Fiercely Honest Publication

To be vulnerable is to be strong

Holly Paige
More Than Sex


Image by Khusen Rustamov from Pixabay

Bare Naked Bradshaw is the place I’ve created to share my stories. I’m here to muse about things like sex, love, relationships, writing, vulnerability, and more.

This is the little corner where I can throw my inner-most thoughts to the wind and see what sticks. I hope my stories can teach someone. I hope they can help someone feel not so alone. I hope they can inspire someone to feel as sexy and desirable as they deserve.

And I hope they can help me learn, too.

Have you ever felt like pulling a Pat Benatar and telling the world, “Put up your dukes, let’s get down to it. Hit me with your best shot!”

That’s the crux of why so many of us write. We have a voice through our words, through our craft, and we want to use it.

To share your art is to be vulnerable, no matter what type of art you create. And to be brave enough to show vulnerability is to be strong.

I stand here stripped, bare — completely naked before you as a writer.

Hello there!

For readers of my new pub, I hope to show strength in the openness and honesty of my writing.



Holly Paige
More Than Sex

Curious creature, pursuer of passion, unbeliever in limiting or lengthy bios. Email me at