At Death’s Door, Fighting For Life & Loving with Your Whole Heart

with Singer-Songwriter Jake Hemming

Emily Ann Peterson
Bare Naked Bravery
3 min readDec 30, 2017


Today’s guest on the show is Jake Hemming. This guy is one of the best song-storytellers I’ve ever heard. You’ll hear a sample of his story telling skills as the episode unfolds and get a peek into what it looks like to delve into the tough parts of life by being strong through the sensitive moments.

Jake and I talk about the friends we have in common, the ones we love dearly and who are also epically brave and strong. We talk about the honesty required to go through grief and bereavement. We talk about the necessity of community after someone has passed on. We talk about how hilarious his daughter is. and he introduces us to Max & Vivian, a duo from the corners of society featured in his new songwriting. You’re gonna just love this guy.

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Brave Takeaway

After recording this conversation, I went for a walk outside. Somehow everything seemed a little more sparkly than usual. There’s nothing like talking about death to make you really take an honest look at life.

Thank you Jake for giving us that gift.

Okay so as this episode wraps up, I’d like to challenge you to do or say one thing you’d like to do or say before you die. If for some reason you or a loved one didn’t have a whole lot of time left, what would you want to say? Which stories would you want to retell? Whose neck would you want to hug a little tighter? Which phone numbers would you call one last time? Maybe it’s something you’d like to say in a simple tweet or email? Maybe it’s a random text to someone you haven’t heard from in a while?

Just say what you need to say.

If you took this challenge and want to let Jake or I know. You can tag either of us in a social media message or shoot either of us an email.

Keep in Touch with Jake Hemming

Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson

So that’s our show this week! Thank you for listening. If you enjoyed listening to this episode as much as we enjoyed making it for you, please. Give us a review and rate the show in your iTunes desktop app or on your podcast app on your phone. Seriously, it helps us out a lot more than it is a hassle for you.

All this bravery deserves to be spread as far and wide as possible. You’re a part of all that!

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I’m looking forward to being with you next week. We have some great things in store for you! Until then I have one message for you:

Be yourself. Be vulnerable. Be brave. Because the world needs more of your Bare Naked Bravery.

Originally published at

click here to download free music, coloring book, bravery worksheets and more!



Emily Ann Peterson
Bare Naked Bravery

songwriter, creative consultant, podcast host and author of “Bare Naked Bravery: How to Be Creatively Courageous” (out Jan. 28th!)