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4 Ways to Get Involved in the Bare Naked Bravery Community

Emily Ann Peterson
Bare Naked Bravery
2 min readNov 28, 2017


So glad you’re interested in joining us! Here are 4 really great ways to get started in the BNB Community:

The Facebook Group

The Bare Naked Bravery Facebook Community is free to join! We do all our chatting and bravery brags in our closed-to-the-public Facebook group. AND we occasionally do Bravery Challenges as a group. It’s all a total blast!

Join us by downloading your free Bravery Bundle here!

Become a Regular Contributor

Our regular contributors and community members are an essential part of our mission to spread bravery as far and wide as possible.

We’re honored to consider your application to join us as a regular contributor.

Nominate a Podcast Guest

We love to feature community members and nominated guests on the Bare Naked Bravery podcast! If you have someone in mind or would like to nominate yourself for the the show…

Nominate a guest for the podcast here.

Follow Us Online

We’re on your favorite social media outlets!



Emily Ann Peterson
Bare Naked Bravery

songwriter, creative consultant, podcast host and author of “Bare Naked Bravery: How to Be Creatively Courageous” (out Jan. 28th!)