Clichés at BARK



Clichés and platitudes are often mocked. We heard it so many times that it tastes like a soggy potato chip: “Long walks on the beach,” “children are the future”… you get the point.

Nevertheless, we also understand that clichés start with a mountain of truth. They hold certainties that need to be taken seriously if we are to learn from our mistakes and gain more from our fortunes and potentials.

Let’s go back to “children are the future.” We are not talking about the toddlers learning their first language (but of course, them too). We are talking about our amazing group of student-volunteers who are a part of BARK, who wish to be a part of BARK, who are already entrepreneurs themselves… and who will be the future leaders of not only Japan, but possibly leaders of companies that influence the world.

They are the ones who will not only help build our venue and help on-day operations for BARKATION by BARK, but they will be the ones building, on top of what is already a great country, a new path of sustainable-healthy growth of the economy and the slow but growing open-mindset of Japan.

We all know that change is needed everywhere; however, what we need to realize is that the change-makers will be found within these student-entrepreneurs who are ready to take action, who are curious about solving problems. We need to make it possible for these remarkable group of people, everyone, to be able to get in on the scene, familiarize them with the nooks and crannies, and encourage them to take action.

Sounds like a cliché?

Perhaps it is. For us at BARK, it’s the capital-T Truth.

