6.4 Million Tons of Trash Dumped in the Ocean

Barki News English
Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2016

Tons of trash end up in the Ocean year after year. Around 60–80% of debris are plastic. United Nations (UN) estimates that 46 thousands of fragments of plastic float per square mile.

The figures are alarming. And there’s more:

Each year more than one million birds and 100 thousand mammals die because of debris dumped in the Ocean

June 8 we celebrate World Oceans Day. In 2016 the theme is Healthy oceans, healthy planet.

Why is so important to protect the oceans?

  • Oceans contain 97% per cent of the Earth’s water
  • Over three billion people depend on marine biodiversity for their livelihoods. 2,6 billion people depend on the oceans as their primary source of protein.
  • Phytoplankton produce half the oxygen we breath.
  • Nearly 200 thousand identified species live under the sea.
  • Oceans regulate the climate.

Sadly, overexploitation of ocean resources and pollution are destroying marine biodiversity. Especially plastics.

A plastic bottle may last for 100 or 1,000 years

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) estimated in 2014 that pollution of the marine environment represents a cost of at least 13 billions of dollars each year.

Is there any possible solution?

UNEP advise to better manage waste, to reduce the amount of plastic we use and recycle.

But also not to forget the role oceans play in our lives, ensuring public opinion is properly informed about the consequences of pollution and the impact of human actions on the ocean.



Barki News English

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