Black Dog Syndrome And Other Stupid Superstitions

Barki News English
Published in
2 min readMay 13, 2016

Most cultures think Friday 13 is a bad-luck day. Or a terrifying day, since Friday the 13th was released in the 80s.

Horror stories, mysteries, bad luck, witches and back cats. Superstitions. Literally, “irrational beliefs”. However, a lot of people still hold on to them.

To the extent that there is something called the Black Dog Syndrome. A phenomenon labelled by shelters, according to which, black dogs are not adoptable.

Apparently, we are racists even with dogs.

Size and age also matters.

The theory behind BDS is that mythology and cinematographic images are to blame for this missconception. Scary, big, black figures in the night.

A study by Penn State University, in the U.S., showed that black cats and dogs are usually considered less friendly than those with a lighter hair. Participantes in the stugy also said black cats and dogs were less adoptable, and more aggressive.

Shelters have made different atteps to market these dogs in a funny, happy, different way, so they will increase their chances to find a forever home. “Black is Back” or “Black is the new Black” are some examples. There are also some photographic projects like a series of photos by Guinnevere Shuster, from the Humane Society of Utah.

Photo credit: Guinnevere Shuster



Barki News English

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