Earth Day: Endangered Species Because of Deforestation

On 2016, the Earth Day highlights the importance of trees for protecting biodiversity, among others.

Barki News English
2 min readApr 21, 2016


Since 1970, we celebrate Earth Day on April 22, in an attempt to give voice to an emerging consciousness toward environmental issues.

Earth Day’s 2016 theme is: Trees for the Earth. The goal: planting 7.8 billion trees in the next five years. One for every person in the planet. This is the first of the five commitments that will be made before Earth Day 2020, when we will celebrate Earth Day’s 50th aniversary.

Why Trees?

Trees absorb excess and harmful CO2, helping to fight climate change.

Trees absorb odors and pollutant gases, helping us to breath clean air.

Trees provide food, energy and income, helping communities to achieve economic sustainability.

Trees are the natural habitat for a great variety of species, so by planting trees we are counteracting the loss of species.

Endangered Species

Koalas spent most of his time on trees

Deforestation not only afects to birds, but also mammals and repitles. Some use trees to protect themselves from predators, and for many trees are their natural habitat, such as for monkeys and koalas, for example.

On the other hand, birds have been force to migrate to other areas to find food; while reptiles need the shade of a tree to cool down during the warm seasons.

How to Celebrate Earth Day

There are many activities organized by individuals or groups all around the world. You can also register your own event.



Barki News English

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