May Animal Abuse Affect Tourism in Spain?

Barki News English
Published in
2 min readMay 23, 2016

A petition by SPCA International on asks the Congress of Deputies of Spain to Stop Torturing Greyhounds (Galgos). 205,688 of 300,000 people have signed it already.

They want to see a change. They denounce that hunting traditions in Spain involve torturing and killing 60,000 Spanish Greyhounds every year. Figures vary from only 60 to 50,000 depending on the source, but sadly, they are probably closer to SPCA’s claims.

After hunting season, or when they are no longer useful, some Greyhounds are abandoned, tortured and even killed. Some times they are hanged by their necks, or they are beaten up.

But, as much terrible as this is, what does it have to do with tourism?

Take a look at the comment section:

People are calling for a boycott of Spain as a touristic destination.

They are pointing out that tradition, in Spain, goes hand in hand with animal abuse.

They might be overreacting by accusing all Spaniards of being barbaric or animal abusers. Also by considering the abuse of Greyhounds as a country’s tradition, rather than a terrible practice limited to a group of hunters.

Traditions are (very) slowly changing, and people is increasingly conscious about animal welfare everywhere in the world, also in Spain.

But the truth is that Spain still promotes the touristic idea of bullfighting or bullrunnings (international known because of Ernest Hemingway), which, on the other hand, attract thousands of foreigners every year and contribute to the industry with billions of euros.

Without this kind of tourism, Spanish traditions will probably die slowly. Is it then a boycott the solution?

Certainly not for the abuse of Greyhounds, but probably, in the long run, it could be for the bull industry.



Barki News English

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