BarnBridge v2: The Q Connection

Abhishek Ranjan
Published in
4 min readOct 31, 2022

Disclaimer: This post has been provided by to share more detail on the work that it did in conjunction with the BarnBridge DAO. Follow on Medium for all future updates.

Q’s primary focus is to build deep, dynamic integrations with leading DeFi protocols & empower users to interact directly with those protocols through Q’s unified interface. Q will not only provide users with a clear overview of their crypto holdings across chains (e.g., crypto asset value, DeFi positions, NFTs) but will also allow them to directly open and manage positions in the blue chips of DeFi without leaving

Q’s core focus will be on institutional outreach & education. We believe that DeFi needs a transactional interface for institutions (similar to Bloomberg for traditional finance). Q aims to fill that gap in the market.

Q’s First Integration Partner: BarnBridge

The first protocol that Q worked with to build out an integration is BarnBridge — more specifically, v2 of the BarnBridge protocol, which launched on the mainnet on September 5, 2022.

As part of the development of this integration, the team worked closely with the BarnBridge DAO to design, develop & launch v2 of the protocol. Working closely with the most engaged & enthusiastic members of the BarnBridge community, the two teams reworked the entire Barnbridge fixed income protocol & introduced a novel mechanism to help users achieve access to far more sustainable fixed income. This mechanism will be accessible directly through the application.

Q’s work on BarnBridge v2 is the first of many integrations on the roadmap. At Q, we plan to build more bleeding-edge integrations with other leading Dapps.


BarnBridge is a decentralized, open-source protocol that brings sustainable fixed income to DeFi. With its novel mechanism, BarnBridge offers interest rate swaps allowing for any variable yield to be swapped to a fixed rate. is a DeFi portfolio tracking & management platform where DeFi thrives. It builds bleeding-edge integrations between DeFi protocols to create alpha opportunities not available anywhere else. BarnBridge v2 will be one of the first applications Q integrates with.

Exploring pools on BarnBridge

Navigating through available pools on BarnBridge in Q is as sleek as one would like. Users can see all deployed pools under one hood with the click of a button.

Depositing into a BarnBridge pool

With Q’s explicit design, picking the right pool to deploy capital is a matter of seconds. Users don’t just get to navigate through all the listed pools on BarnBridge markets under one roof but can view every key detail in a single glance. Thus, making picking preferred pools a hassle-free business for its users.

Once a user deposits their assets into a pool, their positions get updated, which reflects in the Portfolio section.

Borrowing & Repaying on BarnBridge

Thanks to our custom-built integration, Q users are allowed to borrow secondary liquidity against their BarnBridge open positions on Aave and repay them right from the Q dashboard.

Tracking Positions

Users get to track their entire BarnBridge positions under the Portfolio section. This includes their net balance, the value of deposited assets in fixed-income pools, capital gained from their positions, average APY earned, and borrowed debts.

Portfolio view

Furthermore, the portfolio view allows users to take more actions on their open positions, like withdrawing their deposits before the start of an epoch, borrowing secondary liquidity on FIAT (coming soon), and signaling a rollover of their funds to the upcoming epoch.

Summing up makes it a breeze to manage fixed-income positions in BarnBridge from its powerful dashboard. Users can explore pools, open positions, borrow, repay, and likewise from

This integration is likely to work out in the best interest of both Q and BarnBridge. On the one hand, it’s Q users who will get direct exposure to the best-in-class fixed yields, while on the other, it’s the BarnBridge protocol that will see a rise in its user participation, TVL, and protocol fee.

BarnBridge is one of the initial DAOs Q is working with and is deeply vested in helping them succeed.

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