Introducing the Integrations Team & our Dev Document Markdowns

Tyler Scott Ward
Published in
3 min readJun 2, 2021
Developer Documentation is Now Live!

Hey everyone,

To start — we want to celebrate hitting $100m in TVL for BarnBridge’s SMART Yield product. 🎉🎉

We‘re excited to provide an update on the BarnBridge Integrations Team whose appointment passed community governance with unanimous support.

The integrations team (via their Discord handles) are:

  • Pavlo | BarnBridge
  • Ser Speculor
  • Ser Wir

Over the past two months, the BarnBridge Integrations Team has been working diligently on BarnBridge Developers Documentation along with the updates of the GitHub files in the primary BarnBridge repositories.

Dev docs are now available at It contains the overview of the smart contract architecture, DAO/SMART Yield specs, developer guides for setting up a testnet, minting junior and senior tokens, understanding how SMART Yield oracles work, and harvesting governance rewards where applicable.

We’ve provided a list of all token contract addresses on both mainnet and the Kovan testnet:

Updated GitHub repo descriptions are available here:

This project has been the primary focus of the Integrations Team over the past two months. Not only does it help with other projects looking to integrate with BarnBridge (forward looking), it also reduces the risk associated with such integrations.

We want to give special recognition to all who participated in the process:

  • Ser Wir, who drafted the developer guides, set up the flow for working on GitHub files, and thought through the structure for the incoming integration requests.
  • Ser Speculor, who did an amazing job deploying the smart contracts to Kovan, drafting a lot of the files, creating deploy scripts, and generating Slither smart contract architecture graphs.
  • Pavlo, who coordinated the effort between the Integration and Core Teams as well as leading the pace with his contributions.
  • Max, who helped organize effort and laid out the basic structure along with drafting the dev guides.
  • Bogdan, who provided support on the technical side every time we needed it. You are the man.
  • Akin, who provided guidance along the way.

The Integrations Team next priorities are going to be:

  • Getting $BOND listed as collateral for AAVE;
  • Applying for BarnBridge to be tracked by;
  • Notifying DeFi Safety of our updated documentation to improve our score;
  • Working on the SMART Exposure developer documentation for both GitHub & Gitbook.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to improve the docs or any other suggestions about the BarnBridge DAO and products, feel free to submit the BarnBridge Community Intake form:

The Integrations Team members will make sure to contact you back and discuss the ideas you have.

