7 Ways of Making Decisions

Richard Barrett
Published in
11 min readFeb 28, 2022

The process of decision-making

There are seven ways of making decisions and four steps in decision-making. The four steps are data gathering, information processing, meaning-making, and decision-making. The decisions we make can take the form of an emotional reaction, a reasoned response, or inner guidance. The four steps in making decisions and three ways of implementing decisions are shown in the following diagram.

4 Steps In Decision Making

Stage 1: Data gathering

We gather data from our external environment through our senses; our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling). The information we gather comes from our environment and arrives at our senses as electromagnetic waves of information. Our eyes do not see colours; they sense different frequencies of light vibration. Our ears do not hear sounds; they sense different frequencies of sound vibration, etc. These multiple streams of data in the form of energy quanta are sent to the mind/brain for processing.

Stage 2: Information processing

The mind/brain assembles and synthesizes the data from the five senses into information patterns that can be recognized by the mind (memories). What we see, hear, smell, taste, or feel is not the data that is coming to us through our senses, nor the information patterns produced by the brain, but the mind’s abstraction of this information. The mind/brain gives structure to the information patterns in the form of an idea.

Stage 3: Meaning-making

The information pattern produced by the mind/brain is compared to the information patterns (memories) stored in our body-mind, emotional mind, or rational mind until we find a match. We give the incoming information pattern the same meaning that we gave to the original information pattern, and we react or respond as we did originally.

If there are no matching memories, then the mind carries out a “fuzzy” search to find a pattern that has similar characteristics to the pattern that is currently being experienced. When a similar pattern is found, we use the meaning that was associated with that pattern to decide what to do. If no matching pattern can be found, we rely on our mind/brain to interpret meaning.

Stage 4: Decision-making

Once meaning-making has been done, we either react to the situation through our instincts or subconscious beliefs (action precedes thought); we respond to the situation through our conscious beliefs or values (action follows thought); or we reflect on what we should do using our intuition or inspiration. If none of this works, and we are faced with making a binary decision, we toss a coin. That is the seventh way of making a decision.

The predominant modes of decision-making associated with each stage of psychological development are shown in the following diagram.

7 Modes of Decision Making Applied To The Barrett Model

Instinct-based decision-making

Instinct-based decision-making takes place at the atomic/cellular level because the actions that arise are based on learned DNA responses, principally associated with issues of survival. For example, babies instinctively know how to suckle; how to cry when their needs are not being met; and how to smile so they can get the attention they need. No one taught them how to do this. It is encoded in their DNA.

In adult life, instinct-based decision-making kicks in to help us survive and avoid dangerous situations. It is also at the root of the fight, flight, or freeze response common to all animals. In certain situations, our instincts may cause us to put our life at risk to save the life of another. All creatures have Instincts that are encoded in their DNA.

The main features of instinct-based decision-making are:

  • Actions always precede thought — there is no pause for reflection between meaning-making and decision-making.
  • The decisions that are made are always based on past experiences — what our species history has taught us about how to survive and keep safe. These instructions are encoded in the cellular memory of our DNA.
  • We are not consciously in control of our actions. They are in control of us.
  • Instinct based-decision is a faculty of the body-mind. The body-mind is where we keep our DNA and epigenetic memories from our early experiences.

Subconscious belief-based decision-making

In subconscious belief-based decision-making we also react to what is happening in our world without reflection, however, we do it based on our personal memories rather than the memories stored in our DNA.

You know when subconscious fear-based beliefs are dominating your decision-making because your reaction will be accompanied by the release of an emotional charge. You will be feeling impatient, frustrated, upset or angry. Whenever you experience these feelings, you are dealing with some unmet ego need that has not been resolved. Your reactions and emotions are being triggered by a present moment situation that is making you recall a memory about an unresolved situation from the past when you failed to get your needs met.

When you experience positively charged emotions such as joy, and happiness, you are remembering moments from your past that supported you in meeting your deficiency needs. For example, a picture of someone you have not seen in a long while or the sound of their voice may unleash tears of joy and happiness. Your reactions and emotions are being triggered by a present moment situation that is making you recall a positive memory from the past.

The main features of subconscious belief-based decision-making are:

  • Actions always precede thought — there is no gap for reflection between meaning-making and decision-making.
  • The decisions that are made are always based on past experiences — what your personal history has taught you about maintaining a sense of wellbeing in the framework of your childhood existence. This history is stored in your personal memory.
  • We are not in control of our actions and behaviours. In this mode of decision-making, the only way you can get back into conscious control of your actions is either to release your emotions or bottle them up. Releasing helps us to return to rationality.
  • It is very personal. Others are not consulted to help us enhance our meaning-making and give support in our decision-making.

Subconscious decision-making occurs at the first three levels of personal consciousness and is always about attempting to meet our ego’s perceived deficiency needs.

Conscious belief-based decision-making

If we want to make rational decisions, we must leave behind subconscious belief-based decision-making and shift to conscious belief-based decision-making. To do this we have to insert a pause between the event and our response to it. The pause allows us time to use logic to understand what is happening and make a choice about how to respond. By inserting a pause, we also have time to discuss the situation with others and get advice about the best way to meet our needs.

The main features of conscious belief-based decision-making are:

  • Thought precedes action — we insert a pause between an event and our response to it so we can use logic and get advice to determine the best way of meeting our needs.
  • The decisions that are made are based on past experiences and what your personal history has taught you about maintaining a sense of wellbeing. We make decisions based on what we believe we know.
  • We are in control of our actions and behaviours.
  • We can consult with others to support and enhance our decision-making.

Conscious belief-based decision-making has one thing in common with subconscious belief-based decision-making: it uses information from the past (beliefs about what we think we know) to make decisions about the future. Because of this, the future we create is at best only an incremental improvement on the past. It is important to remember that our beliefs are assumptions we hold to be true. They may not be true. They are just beliefs.

Values-based decision-making

The shift from conscious-belief based decision-making to values-based decision-making is not easy. We need to individuate and develop a self-authoring mind. We need to become independent (let go of our parental and cultural conditioning) before values-based decision-making is fully available to us.

The reason why the shift from belief-based decision-making to values-based decision-making requires individuation is that prior to individuation we make meaning of our world through our beliefs — and most of these beliefs have to do with our upbringing. The process of individuation involves examining these beliefs and letting go of the ones that do not serve us anymore, especially our subconscious fear-based beliefs. As we let go of these beliefs, we develop a new guidance system based on our deeply held values. Values are the universal guidance system of the soul. When you shift to values-based decision-making, you can effectively throw away your rule books. Every decision you make is sourced by what is deeply meaningful to you.

Values-based decision-making allows us to create a future that resonates with who we really are. It creates the conditions that allow authenticity and integrity to flourish. That is not to say there is no place for conscious belief-based decision-making based on logic and rational thinking, these are very useful tools. However, all the critical decisions we make should also pass the values test.

The main features of values-based decision-making are:

  • Thought precedes action — we reflect on the values that we believe will allow us to get our needs met and make decisions accordingly.
  • The decisions that are made are not based on past experiences. They are based on the future we want to create.
  • We are in control of our action and behaviours.
  • We can consult with others to support and enhance our decision-making.

We make values-based decisions so that we consciously create the future we want to experience. For example, if we value trust, then we should make decisions that allow us to display trust. If we value accountability, then we make decisions that allow us to display accountability.

Intuition-based decision-making

The shift from values-based decision-making to intuition-based decision-making develops over time once the centre of gravity of your consciousness has shifted from your ego to your soul. Intuition arises from the deepening of your connection to your soul. This is one of the attributes of a self-transforming mind. We reach this level of consciousness after we have become a self-actualized individual. Intuition allows us to access our own deeper intelligence.

The principal characteristics of intuition-based decision-making are as follows:

  • Awareness is expanded through a shift in our sense of identity/consciousness.
  • Judgment is suspended: no meaning-making takes place, either subconsciously or consciously.
  • The mind is empty: thoughts, beliefs and agendas are suspended.
  • The mind is free to take a deep dive into the mind-space of the collective unconscious and emerge with a deep sense of knowing.
  • The thoughts that arise reflect wisdom and are in alignment with your most deeply held values.

In intuition-based decision-making there is no conscious or subconscious attempt at making meaning; there is no focus on the past or the future. You accept what is, without judgment. The intuitive decision arises out of your presence in the current moment.

Photo by Barbara Olsen

Inspiration-based decision-making

Inspiration is the way we receive soul-based promptings. Inspiration is always very personal and directive. It is about what you need to do. It is a persistent thought that will not go away. It will keep on prompting you until you do something about it. The purpose of inspiration is to support you in fulfilling the desires of your soul — to self-express, to connect, and to contribute.

Inspiration is different to intuition. Intuition is non-directive. Intuition is an idea or insight that arises from nowhere at any specific moment that provides a way forward. Intuition can best be described as a “eureka” moment, whereas inspiration is best described as guidance for staying in a state of “flow.”

When you keep receiving a soul-driven persistent thought about an action or direction you need to take, and you do not follow this directive, there will eventually be emotional consequences: you will begin to feel the symptoms of melancholy and then depression.

The principal characteristics of inspiration-based decision-making are as follows:

  • The thought appears to arise from nowhere.
  • The thought is persistent.
  • The thought is linked to actions that you need to take.
  • There are consequences for not following your inspiration.

Inspiration-based decision-making is the highest form of decision-making you can attain. It becomes dominant when you reach the serving stage of development.


The six modes of human decision-making (seven if you include tossing a coin) are support systems that have evolved to protect the integrity of the body, the ego, and the soul and support us in experiencing a feeling of wellbeing. Each mode of decision-making enables us to handle increasing levels of complexity and enhance our ability to react or respond to life’s challenges. As we move through these six stages of decision-making, we shift from operating with a socialized mind (young child to adult) to a self-authoring mind (adult to mature adult), to a self-transforming mind (soul-infused adult to elder).

  • As babies, we rely on the instincts of our body-mind to help us survive — a simple life with parents (Level 1 consciousness).
  • As young children, we rely on the subconscious beliefs of our socialized mind to help us stay safe by learning how to conform — a relatively simple life with parents, siblings, and extended family (Level 2 consciousness).
  • As older children, we rely on the subconscious and conscious beliefs of our socialized mind to navigate the world we live in and differentiate ourselves from others — a more complex life with parents, siblings, extended family members, and peers (Level 3 consciousness).
  • As adults, we rely on the conscious beliefs and values of our self-authoring mind to individuate and begin to step into our authentic self — a significantly more complex life with family members, non-family peers, and bosses in our workplace (Level 4 consciousness).
  • As mature adults, we rely on the values and conscious beliefs of our self-authoring mind to self-actualize and become fully who we really are — a very complex life with our own family, parents, siblings, extended family, non-family peers, bosses, and subordinates (Level 5 consciousness).
  • As soul-infused adults, we rely on the values and intuition of our self-transforming mind to integrate with others who share similar values and a common vision — an even more complex life with our own family, parents, siblings, and extended family, peers, bosses, subordinates, and partner groups (Level 6 consciousness)
  • As elders we rely on the intuition and inspiration of our self-transforming mind to serve humanity — this is as complex as it gets with our own family, parents, siblings, extended family, peers, bosses, subordinates, partner groups, humanity, and the planet, as well as future generations (level 7 consciousness).

Instincts support us from the moment we are born. We rely on them to navigate the first two years of our lives until we learn to talk.

Subconscious beliefs support us in staying safe and surviving during childhood once we have developed the ability to talk and before we have developed the full cognitive abilities of our mind. Conscious beliefs then take over as our principal mode of decision-making.

When we begin to individuate, we need a new guidance system for making decisions that are not based on the parentally and culturally conditioned beliefs we learned during our formative years, but on our own deeply held values. Values are the survival system of the soul. They allow us to operate with integrity.

As we grow and develop in soul consciousness, we first learn how to use values to support our decision-making; then we learn to tap into our intuition, and finally, we learn how to follow our inspiration. Inspiration is the mode of decision-making that enables us to fulfil our destiny.

The soul-infused personality operates from values,
utilizes intuition, and is guided by inspiration.


Richard Barrett, Evolutionary Coaching: A values-based approach to unleashing human potential

Barrett Academy E-Learning Course: Coaching



Richard Barrett

Richard Barrett is an author, presenter, coach and internationally recognised thought influener on the evolution of human values in business and society.