Benefits of exchanging digital assets on Smartplace

Nansy Dunne
Published in
2 min readNov 1, 2020

Hi everyone! 👋🏻 In this post, we will cover the benefits of digital asset swaps on Barter Smartplace.

Investors still understand digital assets as widely known digital currencies, cryptocurrencies. In fact, digital assets are not just limited to digital currency, but also means digital coins (Cryptotoken), known as digital tokens, and other digital products and services.

Initially, virtual documents and data were viewed as digital assets, but as the blockchain expanded its use cases for commercial purposes, bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies are also considered digital assets.

Barter Smartplace empowers people and traders to exchange their digital assets and also provides a complete secure layer for converting physical assets to digital assets.

The advantage of bartering digital assets is that, without using financial transactions, a legal exchange only requires a change in the owner’s rights to the asset or object.

A barter contract is cheaper, faster and safer. By applying a barter contract, ownership of the assets in the property registers is exchanged. Barter exchange is used for unequal objects, but close in cost. For the barter exchange of unequal goods, it is sufficient to use only one financial transaction — to pay the difference for an object of exchange of low value.

Barter exchange requires preliminary tokenization of real valuable assets, which will create a virtual token equal in value to your digital asset with the assignment of the owner’s name. After creating a virtual copy, you can post this token on a smartplace, wait for counter offers or send your offers for barter exchange to other participants.

By combining digital assets of different standards in one ecosystem, it makes it possible to exchange assets with each other almost free of charge, while receiving a legal agreement for a transaction with an entry in the data registry with a copy of the digital form of the contract.

Learn more about Barter Smatplace Digital Asset Exchange at

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