What are Cryptocurrency Dark Pools?

Nansy Dunne
Published in
Nov 2, 2020

Hello! 👋🏻 In this post, we will tell you what Dark Pools are.

Some of the major market players prefer to conduct anonymous transactions. A lot of institutional investors use dark pools in their work.

❓ What is Dark Pool?

Dark Pools are closed platforms that are hidden from most participants and are intended for trading valuable assets.

❓ What are they for in the crypto world?

⚫️ As you know, cryptocurrencies provide a fairly high level of anonymity, but if desired, transactions can still be tracked, although it is impossible to say for sure who they belong to.

⚫️ Dark pools allow investors to avoid overt speculation in the trading process. They give investors the ability to place orders and trade without advertising their intentions until a trade is executed. Most of the time, dark pools are used by institutional investors for bulk deals with large volumes of securities.

✅ The Barter platform is one of the few on the market that provides its own Dark Pool to its large investors. It is based on the zk-SNARKs protocol, which has proven itself at its best.

Barter’s Dark Pool Features:

✔️ Compliance with commercial secrets

✔️ Preventing market manipulation

✔️ For the personal safety of asset owners

✅ Such sites are distinguished by increased security and protect investors from all kinds of threats, including “proactive deals”.

📢 Find out more about the Barter project on our website: http://barter.company/

Join the community: http://t.me/barterteam

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