What is Barter DAO?

Dmitry Zhukov
Published in
2 min readMar 21, 2024

DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) is a decentralized autonomous organization consisting of like-minded individuals working towards a common goal. Voting and governance are done through special tokens, ownership of which can be likened to a bundle of voting shares or a stake in a company.

A DAO has its own Treasury, similar to a bank account of any company, except that the DAO Treasury is a multi-signature crypto wallet on the blockchain and is not controlled by any centralized or governmental entity. The Treasury is funded through: monetization of services, contributions from participants, attracting investments, etc. Financial transaction management occurs through voting by multiple participants under specific conditions.

Barter DAO is created on the Polygon blockchain and is governed on the renowned Aragon platform. Anyone who owns at least 1 BRTR can become a participant.

To become a participant in Barter DAO and contribute to the project’s development and potential earnings:

1 — Visit the Barter DAO member page at https://app.aragon.org/#/daos/polygon/0xbe10a6b5d6c4c63f4fcee30c73ba7c029f3dc4c1/community;
2 — Connect your own Web3 wallet (MetaMask.io recommended) with BRTR tokens on Polygon blockchain to Aragon platform;
3 — Click on the “Join the DAO” button;
4 — Choose “Wrap” and enter the “token amount” in the lower field;
5 — Sign the transaction by clicking “Approve tokens,” then “Wrap tokens”.

You will receive governance tokens gBRTR to your wallet instead of BRTR at a 1:1 ratio. You can always reverse this process to return the original BRTR. gBRTR tokens allow you to participate in governance votes on smart contracts, make decisions on income and dividend distribution, conduct transactions from the Treasury, and other important actions. Additionally, gBRTR can be transferred to other wallets as a regular token.

*BRTR on Polygon can be obtained by withdrawing from t.me/BarterWalletBot.

BRTR Polygon smart contract for wallet addition: https://polygonscan.com/token/0x6E7F6A2404Ff6b4363b0A5085DBf7B78d46E04d7.

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