About me

Hello my name is Passakorn Passakornnatee but most people call me by my nickname Get. To my classmates who may not know me that well I’m someone who loves food, reading, sleeping and just walking around. A fun fact about me is that although I love most foods I extremely dislike “Jub chai” It’s just overcooked vegetables in like a bowl with weird broth inside. I have a theory that when I was younger, I didn’t eat that many vegetables because I was always used to Jub chai at my house and thought that all vegetables tasted that way. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learnt to enjoy most vegetables things that i didn’t like before like raw tomatoes i really like them now however even now when i look into a bowl of Jub chai it brings back bad memories and that’s why i don’t eat it. I Understand some of you may be like “Get why are you so picky i like Jub chai its good just try it again ” and i would say that i respect your opinion but me eating Jub chai again would be like someone else who is afraid of clowns ,hugging a clown which is possible and could be argued as personal development but i think its just weird.(Yes im very passionate about this topic)

I’m most looking forward to learning more about both the theory and Case studies that apply to marketing to see which ones succeed and which ones fail and why they do so. This can then help me with my project work as I am doing Marking for the project, I hope this knowledge will help me increase my ability to understand the customer and thus produce better marketing for the project I’m working in.

