Banpu feat. Team Tanat

jaja saruta
BAScii Entrepreneurship and Core Business
1 min readApr 28, 2021

Up until now I would say it’s been a super long journey with the Banpu term project. And I can’t believe that there are only 2 week left till the final exam.

Let’s go back to the starting point,when Banpu were the only choice for every team. Luckily, I’m in a team that everyone is highly dedicated to work and working efficiently. Also it’s quite funny how Team Tanat always performs well under pressure.And now we’ve been working together for almost a whole semester and the team is starting to gel.

This course gave me lots of new working experience ,however, I ended up finding myself not really achieving the goals that I’d set at the very first . To clarify this, in every case study assignment, I couldn’t apply the lesson which is being taught in class to the assigned task.

Working with Banpu is not as I’ve expected. While other teams who work with Sigh or Grab doing more than just a research, my team mostly do data research in this term project. And I’m quite disappointed that the team effort only led us this far. Moreover, I can’t barely see how this task relates to marketing strategy.

However, I do love how Mr.Zejun and Dr. Pietro always asks for feedback as well as play wonderful songs every Friday morning which help me get up from the bed and concentrate on the lesson.

