Hello from Soya

Hi everyone! I’m S-o-y-a, your classmate from BAScii Entrepreneurship and Core Business class.

First of all, public speaking is my worst nightmare, so I’m glad I get to do this activity in the form of writing. I’m an extreme perfectionist and I have a huge fear of failure. Because of that, one of my main goals this year is to learn to embrace myself as well as my failures even in the face of criticism as a path toward a happier life(yay!).

I love, love, love learning new things and I have so many passions that sometimes it makes me feel unsure of what to pursue. Some of my interests include psychology, health and wellbeing, recipe developing, arts, and travel. I spend a lot of my free time reading books and surfing the internet. Specifically, I enjoy learning the science behind why things work the way they do.

I am also interested in broadening my business knowledges to prepare me for the future to come. In this class, I’m looking forward to engage in more hands-on learning from a variety of projects and activities. I’d really hope to be able to develop a stronger connection with my teammates as a real person soon after the pandemic is finally over.

