Hey guys

I’m Khun, nice to meet you all! I’m 18 years old and soon to be 19 next month! Despite my expert English speaking skills, you will be surprised that I am 100% Thai. I started my life journey as a baby, surprising right? I cannot remember the first day I stepped into my kindergarten but my mom told me I did not stop crying and begged my mom to take me back home. Since my mom is a very caring parent, she did what all good moms would do. Leave me there… That’s enough about my childhood life, What about right now? I am a 1st-year undergrad student at BAScii, Chula. I decided to go back to my first home, Thailand. Instead of staying in my second home, New Zealand where I spent my 3 years of highschool years there. I had a lot of good experience, made a lot of good friends there. I even got accepted into the University of Auckland, Bachelor of commerce, but I decided to go back to Thailand anyways. I guess I just missed my first home too much. I look forward to learning brand marketing in this class because I think Brand is the heart and the face of the business. This is just the beginning of my chapter, I can’t wait for what the future has in store for me.

