
Hi, my name is Naiyapak Boondee or you can call me Eve. I am 19 years old on the past Christmas Eve day. I graduated from Science and Math program though I am interested in Arts and Culture. When it came to the day I have to chose college faculty, I decided to pick this faculty from my long lists since the name of this faculty in Arts and Science. My hobbies are doing things with enjoyment and relaxation such as dancing and listening to music. Ballet is the only thing I can do from all of the many types of dancing. I feel regret about it because I wanted to dance hip-hop or freestyle dance, but unfortunately, I tried so hard since I was young still couldn’t make it. I am also passionate about Greek and Roman myth. History was my favorite subject when I was in high school. I once and still had a dream about me being a history stories author, writing everything that has ever occurred in this world. I don’t have pets and love pets more than kids especially toddlers.

In this class, marketing, I enjoy this class more than Entrepreneurship from the past semester because of the syllabus and context of this class. It is challenging and not boring when thinking and coming up with new ideas. Moreover, our team (and any other teams too) has to work hard on the R&D part. We researched Banpu company and doing a project with them. It was fun and pleasing to have good team members that help each other with heartful mind. I expect to study about marketing strategies of many companies, compared them, analyze info with theories that we have learned from the classes.

