-Let me introduce myself-

Hello, my name is Natamon Khachasakul, or others love to call me Mind. Currently, I am a student of the School of Integrated Innovation at Chulalongkorn University. Since I have joined this faculty, I learned and received a lot of experience regarding business and technology that I can not find from other places.

I will recognize myself as an energetic person as you all can see from my past that I have always put myself into many activities since high school. I love to meet people and work with others rather than just studying inside the classroom. I am the one who believes that being a successful person these days, many skills are required such as communication and leadership skills. At the same time, I also symbol myself as a doctor because most of my friends keep telling me that I am a good listener and good advisor in any situation.

Lastly, as I have studied in this Marketing class for almost one semester, I am looking forward to understanding the concept of marketing strategy and learning by doing through all of the real cases. I also want to see all of my classmates able to adapt what we have learned to develop their projects in the future.

