Marketing That’s Not Only Marketing

Marketing for this term is one of the subject that I think it is very significant to our course. Knowing terms, strategies, and other factors of business marketing and entrepreneurship, also the cores in business prepare us to be able to know the right way in marketing department for our business in the future. With in-class or outside activities that were prepared for us, it really gives us a new experience that will be worthy and memorable. It gives us a clearer definition of marketing and allows us to implement it into ourselves. Each projects that were given out, I believed that there’s an objective that would gives us insights and understanding more to the strategies of marketing. However, there are some challenges and obstacles in each of the project. As I’m new to these topics and never learn this deep about marketing, it needs some times to develop and adapt my skills into it. Learning about it might not allow me to understand the picture, but with activities that were given, I was able to understand more about it. Working with new people and new group also give us another new experience. It allows you to know the positive and negatives affect of each team members and how to deal with it. Not only marketing skills were earned in this course, but also teamwork skills. We must be able to communicate and make sure that everyone has the same goals in each project. Each of us have skills in their own ways and we must make sure that they are working in the area that they are specialised in. Communication is very important in team assignment. Miscommunication can cause the group a big mistake that would really affect their team image. Moreover, with the COVID-19 situation, it is also a challenge to meeting each other and to communication. However, I believe that we gained a lot of knowledge not only on marketing side but also in teamwork side. I’m looking forward to next term to the subject that is core business related.

