My experience throughout this semester

This semester I was set to be with team James. I knew since the first time that it might take a while for our group to be close and able to talk openly between team members. However, our team’s performance throughout this whole semester was awesome, we got selected to work with Banpu. At first, we were afraid of how we should act in a conversation with Banpu management. Surprisingly, the conversation was going smoothly, there were no confusions occur during the conversation. At the current stage, we still continue with our Bapu advertisement and app development to suggest Banpu next for their move to approach into the market.

Here come the individual part, all the quizzes, and exam that I have to be through. I would say that it was really hard to concentrate in the class during the online learning. There were too many distractions to gather my attention all the time. Even though, I tried hard to recap all of the lecture notes that were mentioned in class and revised myself to be able to survive on the bloody exam and quiz. When the time has come, the exam time. Half of my knowledge I’ve been collected was long gone in the middle of the space. I can roughly do the exam, thank god I was passed even the score result wasn't that good but at least I survive it for now.

I learned a lot of things in this class and I quite sure that I can make use out of it to benefit my future career life. All tricks and knowledge I got from this class are so valuable for me. Hope that in the future world, there will be more interesting marketing strategies that still wait for us to discover out. Thanks to all teachers and professors that make this class a great experience and opportunities for the scholar like us.

