First week, 22 Jan 2021

Palm, Napatr

The new class begin, but we studied through zoom. Me as a Bascii student, had studied over 3 hours in the first day. After the class, I had talked with my team. We talked about the position and work. I didn’t know what I could do in my team so as a result, I inserted the Shaper role.

Two-Three week after…

3 weeks had passed, the online class was the same as usual. We had made several meeting during the week. The work that I was assigned that time was doing politics in PESTEL analysis which I struggled very much about it. I really felt sorry to my team that I could not help anything much but they helped me.

Bell as a leader, had made a feedback section which we talked about the past-work and each other profession. During this time, I thought we know each other more; we understood what other were. I was the person who don’t like to do the research and really not good at it but I was ready to made a improvement.

Four-Five-Seven-till mid-term?

Many weeks had passed, the class was the same but some class had activities. Some activities we were really active and fresh but some were sleepy and silently. The mid-term was as hard as the last semester(In my opinion). We got a project from Singha which at first was very interesting. We had also met and take a lunch together at some Shabu restaurant.


The class was the same as usual but the project was challenging. We needed to make the product using by-product from beer which looked something different from marketing-class will do. However, I felt like a ghost; doing nothing, didn’t really take participate much on the class and work. It was a holiday week and as new covid case rising, I needed to stay home.

One week before till this week? I can’t remember lol

I try to be more active and get the work done which I did it. I don’t know how but I feel like my team are closer and we work better, I guess. Currently, we are trying on making Barley milk from spent grain which Bell has made it recently. The taste is not really good but we don’t know if it was because of spent grain which mixed with some coffee. So we will figure about this later.

What I expected to be deliver? I expect to make a marketing thing like advertisement or promotion but right now we are doing product-prototype for Singha

