Story of marketing course

Welcome back again. I am Jenny, a first-year BAScii student. It’s almost the end of my first year, so I want to share you a story from one of my courses, marketing, brand sales velocity.

This course was arranged by prof. Pietro and team. It covered the contents from the environment evaluation, marketing strategy, market research, channels, public relations, personal selling, to social media marketing. Those contents are very useful knowledge for my future career. Some lectures emphasized and extended my basis, and some are literally new for me.

Even though the lecture was based on individuals, the works were based on group projects, and I like it. I had an opportunity to know more people who I had never done work with. My team consists of 9 people, me, Earn, Grace, Jertang, Neno, Nook, Pink, View, and Namtip as the leader. Namtip is one of the best leaders I have ever known. She is open-minded, always helps team members, and arranges the meetings orderly. She even always writes the agenda before every meeting and recap after every meeting as well. Unbelievable, isn’t she? Besides Namtip, I learned from other members as well. They are good at working and some are creative. I enjoy working with them.

Unfortunately, we met only once when we filmed the proposal video for BANPU project. Even we weren’t chosen to do that project, but that made us learn to be disappointed and do better in the next round. Eventually, we got Grab research project. I was in parts of making both proposal videos, and that made my video-making skill level up. Moreover, my presentation skill is improved too. I had five chances to speak. Three times for work presentations, another time for business news reading, and an interview in the lastest time. I was picked randomly by the professor to personally sell BAScii courses, and I hadn’t prepared anything! I don’t know whether my classmates know or not, but my mouth and heart were shaking. Finally, it passed well. I later opened the recorded video to find my mistakes, and I was laughing when I found it. I was very pleased that professor understood me and said that I did well. I will improve my strength, reduce my weaknesses and do it better next time.

One of our work, design an advertisement for H&M reacting to the controversial situation

I didn’t believe that I would have learned this much from the marketing course. More than knowledge, I got more skills too. I hope everyone enjoys this semester and hope we will meet soon.

