Sup guys, I’m Gowen

Owen LOL
BAScii Entrepreneurship and Core Business
2 min readApr 27, 2021

I bet some of you already know me. I guess I don’t have to introduce myself elaborately. To begin, I’m a 19-year-old guy who enjoys tennis and partying. I never get bored and always feel interested while playing tennis. As some of my friends know, I’m a lightweight drinker. Yes, that’s right, I will never compete with my friends in this aspect, but my friends are always trying to fill my mouth with alcohol anyway. However, when I step into the party room, all of my friends know that I am one of the most energetic out of them and most of my friends know why my favorite color is green. :)

My life has been good since I moved to Bangkok and started studying at the BASCII faculty, but I’m unfortunate because this covid stuff prevents me from doing many of the things I used to do. Nevertheless, I think in a good way that COVID-19 has turned me into a chef lol. I cooked a variety of foods, including baking cakes, making Thai food, and even attempting to make gummy bear cookies, which turned out to be a disaster. What makes me enjoy cooking is that I enjoy making unusual desserts such as gummy bear cookies, fish ice cream, Lays smoothies, and so on. Moreover, when I’m alone at home, I like to draw, watch Netflix, listen to music, and play electronics. Ohh! almost forget, my full name is Natpugit Pakseubzin by the way.

Personally, I enjoy studying marketing here. I feel like working with other people that I don’t know or have never talked to them makes me feel more interested and I can make some more friends. What am I looking forward to from the class? Well, I’m looking forward to learning about how to build relationships between companies. I feel relationships are one of the most important things to start and maintain a start-up company.

