The Beginning

During this marketing course, I’ve gotten the opportunity to work with Team Ramita. It’s an honor to work with these highly competent teammates. Our team leader, Bell, is really open to every members’ opinions. With this, it made working together very trouble-free.

At the very beginning, when Dr. Pietro announced that only a few groups will be picked to work with Banpu, the pressure was on. Every one of us was stressed, we all wanted to grasp onto this opportunity. We came up with many ideas but ended up with the idea of an app where people go on to build a smart city using clean energy. This was to raise awareness among Thai citizens about smart city buildings using clean energy. Unfortunately, we weren’t picked despite trying our best. They just weren’t a good fit for us after all. However, we had hope once again after Dr. Pietro announced that other groups may be picked for Grab or Huawei. We were all determined to put in the best effort we could to be picked by these companies. In the end, we chose Grab, but sadly, Grab did not choose us. Once again, we were led down but we did not lose hope. Not long after, we were told that we were one of the few chosen teams to work with Singha. Excitement filled the team group chat as we were very excited to finally show what we are capable of.

Our team is currently working on a project for Singha on beer by-products. We are in the middle of conducting the right prototype for Singha. Since most of the team members have very little experience in food tech, the progress might be a little held back because we are all very new to this. However, there is a long road ahead of us to continue this journey together.

All of this would not be possible without our team members and our leader, Bell.

