Hi Who am I?

Hi everyone!, Have you wonder who am I? Some people already know me as well so let me introduce myself . My name is Napatr Jutasen but I prefer you to call me by nickname as “Palm”. I would like to know more of you and would like to talk to. I love to talk about “love and relationship” however feel free to ask me any topic! , I want to have a conversation with you all. Currently, I want to join any “competition or workshop” that are interesting so if you have one and don’t have anyone to go with, you can invite me.

In this Marketing courses, everything seem to be interesting because we need to engage with people’s trend and work as a team. Creating and designing the advertisement content is what I would like to do as I like artistic and creativity. For me, working during covid-19 through online platform make thing look slow and boring. I wish if I could meet my team often like last semester so work and relationship will be better. The part that I really need to improve is the “Research”. I feel lost when doing a research to gain information for my team. I wish if anyone can guide me so I will be very thankful.

