Screenshot from Coastal Plain League website during All Star Game Monday night

Black Lives Matter Hacks Coastal Plain All Star Game Stream

Baseball Fam
Baseball Fam
2 min readJul 12, 2016


On Monday night, July 11th, one of the premier college summer baseball leagues, Coastal Plain League was set to have it’s mid-summer All Star Game. You can view the All Star Game live on the Coastal Plain League website.

At 9:00 pm eastern time, the feed was interrupted when it momentarily went blank. Instead of popping back into the game, a graphic featuring “Black Lives Matter” came up. After a few minutes of that, some details were given about an ongoing protest, before the feed switched to a what might have been a live protest somewhere. The feed lasted no more than a couple minutes.

Here are the succession of screenshots I took from the feed. As of now, that TVU network message is on the screen. The feed was viewable here.

I’ll keep political opinions to a minimum here for now and just share the details of what just happened. What I will say, is I was really looking forward to viewing the Coastal Plain All Star Game…

I’ll update with details as I get them. We’ll reach out to members of the Coastal Plain organization for a statement as soon as they’re made available.

On a happier note, there was a pretty cool fly in by the Army’s Golden Knights parachute team.

Originally published at on July 12, 2016.



Baseball Fam
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