Announcing the basecs podcast! 😍

Vaidehi Joshi
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2 min readNov 8, 2017

Dear basecs reader,

As we near this year-long project of trying to unpack and understand the basics of computer science, I waned to share some good and bad news.

I’ll start with the bad news first: it’s (somehow) already November! There are only a handful of posts left in this series, which is equal parts amazing and bittersweet. Somehow, this entire year flew by. I guess that’s what happens when you’re busy reading about the traveling salesman problem.

Okay, the good news next: over the past few months, I’ve been working on a few different collaborations to help expand basecs and bring it to even more communities, populations, and people from around the world.

I’m thrilled to finally get to share one of these exciting new collaborations with you: the basecs podcast.

The basecs podcast is a project I dreamed up with my dear friend and fellow developer, Saron Yitbarek, the creator of the Codenewbies community.

Subscribe to the basecs podcast!

A large part of the reason I started basecs was in an effort to make computer science a more welcoming, friendly, and approachable world to navigate. I’m so stoked to be teaming up with Saron in to produce a podcast that is educational, interesting, fun to listen to, and always very friendly!

I hope that this podcast will build upon the foundation and community that basecs has created by opening doors and welcoming more folks into our industry by helping them fall in love with the wonders of computer science.

You can subscribe to the basecs podcast here, and listen to Episode 1 now! If you like what you hear, I hope you’ll consider sharing it with your friends, family, and coworkers — and maybe leave us a review. 😎

Thank you again for your continued readership and support.

With gratitude,



Vaidehi Joshi
Editor for

Writing words, writing code. Sometimes doing both at once.