INFOGRAPHIC: 5-Step Planning Method for Goal-Setting With Executives

Liz Pochop
2 min readMar 28, 2019


Rockstar executive-assistant Chelsey Lewis recently published a series of articles on goal setting: “Go Get ’Em: Goal Setting for the Executive Assistant” and “Executive Assistants: Why You Should Be Setting Goals With Your Executive — And How”. Our team here at Base received great feedback from the series, so we decided to equip you with a visual guide for setting, planning, and executing on your goals.

We consolidated the planning into 5 crucial steps:

  1. Mission: Define your team’s big mission — your big goal for the quarter. This can be overarching, or it can be time-based (quarterly, yearly, etc.)
  2. Strategies: What strategies will you use to achieve this mission?
  3. Activities: What activities will you perform to drive those strategies? (You should have at least one activity to match each strategy you’ve listed.)
  4. Obstacles/Risks: What obstacles will stand in your way? How will you overcome these?
  5. Measurements: How will you know you were successful?

In the infographic are use cases for each step. Don’t forget—as you plan your goals, take advantage of the SMART goal method to ensure you have a clear plan in place:

- S — Specific action-based

- M — Measurable

- A — Achievable

- R — Relevant

- T — Time-bound

We’d love to hear your tips on goal-planning. Is there a method you’ve found successful? Tweet us @thebaseapp!

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