How to Use the BASE Cascade

Base Protocol
Base Protocol
Published in
2 min readNov 30, 2020

The Cascade is Base Protocol’s first of its kind yield farming opportunity that rewards BASE holders who provide BASE liquidity.

Follow these 3 simple steps to earn rewards in the Cascade:

Step 1

Have BASE and ETH in your Metamask wallet. To add BASE to your wallet, select “Add Token” and enter in the official BASE token contract address.

Click “Add Token.”

BASE Address: 0x07150e919B4De5fD6a63DE1F9384828396f25fDC

Enter the BASE contract address and add BASE to your wallet. Make sure you also have ETH.

Step 2

Add BASE-ETH liquidity to the official Uniswap BASE Liquidity Pool here:

Once you’ve provided liquidity, you’ll be earning a % fee on all Uniswap BASE trades!

You are now providing BASE/ETH liquidity on Uniswap.

In return, you will be issued UNI-WETH-BASE-V2 tokens to your Metamask wallet. These UNI-WETH-BASE-V2 tokens are your key to the BASE Cascade.

Step 3

Go to the BASE Cascade, connect your Metamask wallet, then deposit your UNI-WETH-BASE-V2 tokens into the Cascade.

Remember to keep an eye on your multiplier progress to earn 2x and 3x bonus shares in the rewards pool!

You’re Done!

You are now earning yields from the BASE Cascade rewards pool, as well as the Uniswap liquidity pool! You can add or remove your LP tokens at your convenience — but be aware, the longer you stake, the greater your share in the rewards pool! Learn about the BASE Cascade through this video.

Happy farming, everyone!

-Base Protocol



Base Protocol
Base Protocol

The Base Protocol ($BASE) is a crypto asset whose price is pegged to the total market cap of all cryptocurrencies. This blog is managed by its founders.