Uniswap Pool Siphon Distribution

Base Protocol
Base Protocol
Published in
1 min readDec 11, 2020

Siphon Distribution

During the first rebase on December 2nd, 931,027 tokens were siphoned from the BASE Uniswap pool and swapped, as a result of a compromise in Uniswap’s LP protocol. This was not a “hack” nor a vulnerability in the BASE token contract. Rather, it was an attack on the Uniswap liquidity pool that could only happen to a rebase token. The BASE Uniswap liquidity pool is no longer vulnerable to exploits like this one, as proven consistently through every rebase since the first.

All 931,027 staked BASE that should have affected the liquidity pool are accounted for (including rebases), and will be allocated to all users who were staked in the Cascade at the time of the rebase. There is a 30 day vesting period with tokens releasing linearly over a 30 day span. This is mainly to help reduce the impact of this many new tokens being added to circuation

The net result is that no user’s rebases were affected by this event.

Distribution Claim

Follow these steps: *This is only for users who were staked in the Cascade before the first rebase.*

  1. Go to: https://claim.baseprotocol.org/
  2. Connect the same metamask address that you connected to the cascade
  3. You have now started the vesting process. Over the next 30 days you can return to this portal to withdraw your unlocked tokens at any time. You can do multiple withdraws.

We apologize that this took a little longer than expected. We wanted to ensure we did testing for the security of all the tokens.



Base Protocol
Base Protocol

The Base Protocol ($BASE) is a crypto asset whose price is pegged to the total market cap of all cryptocurrencies. This blog is managed by its founders.