Why we are buying Quantstamp tokens? (From an Experience Designer’s POV)

Malvin Yeung
Published in
2 min readFeb 14, 2018

No matter how we look at it, majority of the world is built on greed for money. A lot of businesses are only looking out for themselves without thinking about the community. That’s the sad simple truth and that’s why quality control or my job as an Experience Designer for the Salesforce marketing website exists today. Just like certifications for produce to ensure that what we eat doesn’t harm our well being and health, ensuring the security of digital transactions is no different, specifically the new hot form of crowdfunding to source capital via cryptocurrency also known as ICOs — Initial Coin Offering.

This only really started booming last year and since then, the market has been overcrowded by cash grabbers, scammers and hackers who simply don’t care about the technology or the community. How can we do a better job to ensure that Ethereum transactions to contract addresses are secured and less vulnerable to attacks? Automated smart contract audits.

Solidity contracts are a massive innovation as they enable simple yet smart contracts to be written. Because solidity contracts are so new, developers have massive incentives to find ideological holes in solidity contracts as there is a literal bounty to do so. Then comes Quantstamp. With Quantstamp, it minimizes the potential for security holes.

It has the potential to minimize harm in the future. Imagine if Ethereum transactions to contract addresses were only possible if the sending to contract address had first received a Quantstamp stamp of approval. This could minimize fraud and act to support the entire Ethereum ecosystem as a whole by verifying smart contracts security on Ethereum.

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