Spanx 4 your brain: how 2 get smarter

Part of the #BasicAndBusy Blog Series

Lucy Yin
Basic and Busy
Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2017


Alternative Titles:
Feel like a drunk sober person: use your left hand
-How I keep dem neurons fresh: a rotten idea

Tl;dr — You don’t use your brain post-grad and are getting dumber, so use your left hand to do every day tasks to stimulate your mind and become a FREAKING GENIUS

  1. After graduation: You stop using brain → Your brain melts

You can live without thinking. Some days you put together a 15-page deck and not use a single brain cell. Other days you blackout during a call (that you presented at) and wake up afterwards having no clue what happened. THAT”S NOT WHAT YOU WANT. If this continues, you will grow incredibly bored and come to hate your life/job. Worse, you’ll actually lose the ability to think critically — like brain dystrophy.

2. Whip it back into shape with brain spanx!

Sometimes it’s hard to make time for that Berkeley Extension linear algebra course. Luckily, there are little things we can do to incorporate brain spanx in everyday life. In this case, it’s using your left hand! (or non dom hand). Using your left hand does a couple things: 1) Actions become conscious and deliberate 2) Brain learns to do something new. I know you know how to brush your teeth, but it’s a lot harder than you think with the other hand. Case in point, the other day I jammed my right finger skiing so it hurt to peel my daily clementine with it. Thus, I very uncomfortably switched to my right hand and I felt like a jelly-fingered newborn babe picking away at that citrus peel. SO COOL.

3. Brain Spanx activities to do with your left hand

Brushing your teeth, peeling oranges, reaching for your water bottle, doing cartwheels, handwriting (switched hands in the 10th grade, English teacher never recovered), using your mouse/trackpad, putting on your backpack, switching your watch wrist, blow drying and brushing your hair (or doing your hair gel if u have short hair???), chopping vegetables (please exercise caution with this one), holding the pan/saucer, mixing pancake mix, … lol my life is clearly very boring… TAKING SHOTS (how’s that for some excitement??)

So try it out and let me know what you think! Any new brain cells? New ideas?? IQ POINTSZ???

DISCLAIMER: again, please don’t believe anything I say, jkjkjk plz do and subscribe



Lucy Yin
Basic and Busy

Passionate about #health #tech and changing things. #Circulo#ex-GoogleHealth #DDMF