Basic Income Quarantine Reads

Will Stern
Basic Income
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2 min readMar 30, 2020

Hopefully you’re all hanging in there. This is an especially scary time considering it is isolating by nature. That’s why times like these call for community — and the Basic Income Medium Publication is here for you.

Here are a few reads for all of you looking to pass some time, and looking to contextualize how our movement fits into this whole thing.

With all the attention BI has received as a potential solution to this crisis, it seems like people are all over the board when it comes to ideas as to what this means for the long term. Here’s a piece exploring what we can take away from this moment:

Though it may seem like we are all experts on the virus — since it seems like all anyone is talking about — it’s still vital to remain informed. Here’s a great write-up on how we can beat this thing:

Not everything has to be about COVID-19, so I’m also including links to evergreen pieces about arguments for UBI. Read up, and don’t let this moment take away your inspiration for a future with BI.

Everyone stay safe, stay sane, and stay in touch with loved ones. I’d love to hear from you.

If you have any thoughts on these articles, proposals for future projects, or just want to chat about UBI or anything else, please Email me:

PS. Seriously, Email me, give me something to do. I am so, so bored.



Will Stern
Basic Income

Writing about collectibles, NFTs, and other stuff.