
Why UBI?

a poem

Conrad Shaw
Published in
3 min readSep 27, 2021


How you gonna lose that student debt?
This is why UBI.

How’ll you afford that trip to the vet?
This is why UBI.

How you gonna feed your family healthy?
This is why UBI.

On generous tax breaks for the wealthy?
This is why UBI.

How you gonna keep up with that rent
So luck can’t stick you in a tent?
This is why UBI.

How you gonna save up for a house?
This is why UBI.

How you gonna ditch that violent spouse?
This is why UBI.

When you can’t afford a roof overhead
Or a place to lay your head on a bed
And you’ve got to work a job just to get food
What you’ve got’s indentured servitude.
This is why UBI.

And what if you are unemployed?
This is why UBI.

Boss replaced you with a droid?
This is why UBI.

And if your job don’t pay you fair
How you gonna get on outta there
If you’re too dependent to refuse
A situation of abuse?
Keep your head down, try to get by?
Or go on strike with your UBI!
Take a breath, don’t sweat that jerk.
Seek thee out some better work.
This is why UBI.

How you gonna make them bold life choices?
This is why UBI.

How you gonna rise and speak your voices?
This is why UBI.

How you gonna back up what you stand for?
This is why UBI.

How you gonna face what can’t be planned for?
This is why UBI.

Like when disaster comes a-calling,
Water’s rising, sky is falling,
Flood or fire, hurricane?
Face it with a focused brain.
Don’t be forced to hang around.
Get yourself to higher ground
Then take a breath and build back strong or
Move to a place where you’ll live longer.
This is why UBI.

Take control back in your life.
Find your purpose, take no strife.
Say “No” to a crappy deal.
“No” when asked to lie or steal.
“No” to make your values clear.
“No” without an ounce of fear.
This is why UBI.

And then say “Yes” to opportunity.
Give time back to your community.
“Yes” to school and “Yes” to art.
Start a business, do your part.
Try to build a new career
Or raise your kids, or volunteer.
“Yes” to risks and living bold.
Help your parents when they’re old.
“Yes” to following your passion,
Not just seeking how to cash in.
Even if it don’t pay money
Don’t mean it ain’t important honey!
This is why UBI.

The power to say “No” and “Yes”
Means up with love and down with stress!
This is why UBI.

Is there any more essential right
Than the dignity for which we fight?
Leave behind that doom and gloom and
Let’s invest in every human.
This is why UBI.
This is why UBI.
This is why UBI.
This is why UBI!

Want to read more? Here’s a handy list of links to all my Medium pieces on basic income.



Conrad Shaw

Writer, UBI researcher (@theUBIguy), Actor, Filmmaker, Engineer