Claim Guide For Pre-V2 LP BAS Rewards

Basis Cash
Published in
2 min readMay 4, 2021

Some users have reported issues claiming from the contract with an incorrect amount of BAS received. The team is looking into it and we’ll put up another update when the issue is resolved. For now, please refrain from trying to claim! Thanks for your patience!

If you are an LP in BAC-DAI or BAS-DAI and wish to claim your BASv2 rewards that remained unclaimed when BasisV2 was launched, you may do so by interacting with the smart contracts directly.

A Claim UI is being worked on and will be made available soon.


  • Navigate to:

  • Click on Connect to Web3 and connect your Metamask wallet
  • Click on claimReward, enter 0 in the pid field, and click WRITE
  • Confirm the transaction to receive your BASv2 rewards


  • Navigate to:

  • Click on Connect to Web3 and connect your Metamask wallet
  • Click on claimReward, enter 1 in the pid field, and click WRITE
  • Confirm the transaction to receive your BASv2 rewards



Basis Cash

DeFi Degen with a penchant for rare JPEGs and algo-stables.