Running techniques in sports (narrative)

Allison Bryan
Basketball Topics
Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2018

Running is something I have struggled with my whole sports career. It is something that has always held me back. I was able to build my strength up really quick but my mobility, flexibility and speed has always been the weaker side of me. I have always been one of the slowest kids on the team which maybe me feel self conscious about myself. Especially being a post player, we are more naturally slower, bigger and more powerfully than fast, skinny and short guards.

Running is not just going out and running 10 miles a day. You need to learn the mechanics behind running and what will help you become a better and stronger athlete, which will translate into running, which are:


Acceleration/Sprinting mechanics, Proprioception (body awareness), Lateral movement efficiency, First-step reaction


Force absorption (landing technique), Resistance or Weight training, Core stability, Muscle endurance


Vertical explosiveness (jumping ability), Rapid force production, Rotational development


Stamina, Durability, Speed endurance


Muscle Regeneration, Nutrition plans, Rest and Stress management

Running Form:
1. Body Position- upright, slight lean from ground. Head and face relaxed.
2. Feet- As soon as knee comes through, put the foot down underneath you. Land mid or forefoot underneath knee, close to center of the body.
3. Arm stroke- controls rhythm, forward and backwards from the shoulder without side to side rotation
4. Hip extension- extend the hip and then leave it alone.
5. Rhythm- Control rhythm and speed through arm stroke and hip extension.

There is so much details that go into running that a lot of people do not realize are happening. The details can be so complex but at the same time common sense, but the can make a big difference in someones speed and confidence on the court. Learning how to run properly can make a huge difference in someones sports career and life.

