Dani Milo
Bastet Noir
Published in
3 min readDec 18, 2017
Louise Follain, our Insta icon

To be honest, I’ve never been a fan of Paris. For some reason the city of light to me have always been more of a city of filthy and smelly streets filled with too much noise. But regardless of my disdain for Paris, there’s one thing that even I can’t deny. Paris was, is and will always be world’s biggest and most creative center where art and culture thrive and merge in a beautiful symbiosis. It’s also a city where some of the most iconic fashionistas are born. The fact that there is such thing as “How to be a Parisian” and “French chic” is solid proof that these women are truly something special. Don’t believe us? Just think of Jane Birkin, Bridgette Bardot, Juliette Binoche, Catherine Deneuve, Caroline de Maigret and if that’s not enough to convince you, add the irresistable Louise Follain to the bundle, our current Insta obssesion.

Louise Follain, SOURCE: Instagram account

Louise Follain is a French model and a stylist whose simple look, Birkin like hair fringe and pillowy lips has catapulted her to become one of fashion’s most amusing rising stars. Her effortless style is the actual reason behind our admiration and her plain make-up routine is the reason for our envy. Here are three things that made us fall in love with her.


Louise Follain, SOURCE: Instagram account

Vintage influenced, yet very undefinable and messy” is how Follain describes her style. When you browse through her Instagram account, you can’t help but notice nostalgia lingering in the air. Her outfits are the perfect blend of 70s and 80s vintage patterns and contemporary silhouettes and cuts. Shades of orange, camel brown and deep red tints dominate her Instagram, making it a heaven for all vintage lovers.


Louise Follain, SOURCE: Instagram account

Adorable, chic and a bit mystique, her signature fringe is one of the reasons why we here at Bastet Noir have developed a crush. While the fringe itself reminds us of Jane Birkin’s iconic hair style, Follain has her own twist on the iconic haircut which make her relevant and foxy.


Louise Follain, SOURCE: Instagram account

Photos always get a certain luxe appeal when they are simple black and white shots. This is one of the reasons why despite her simple styling her Instagram feed is something we’re looking forward to checking each and every morning, just seconds after our alarm clock buzzes.

Her meteoric rise to fame is combination of her dazzling charm and unparalleled capability to mix tomboy pieces with soft simplicity. This is also why we’re her Instagram stalkers and probably will remain so for all the eternity.

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Dani Milo
Bastet Noir

Owner of Bastet Noir and Coffice, fashion writer and marketeer.