Summary of Denmark’s new foreign and security policy strategy from 2023

Bastian Friborg
Bastian Friborg Consulting
3 min readSep 2, 2023

Denmark’s new foreign and security policy strategy from 2023 is based on the premise that the world has become a more unpredictable and competitive place. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has radically changed the security situation in Europe, and Denmark must therefore be more aware of its own interests and be more willing to act in its own interest.

The strategy has three overarching priorities:

  • To strengthen Denmark’s near-term security and defense. Denmark will continue to be an active member of NATO and contribute to the alliance’s deterrence and defense. Denmark will also strengthen its own defense and increase its defense spending to 2% of GDP by 2033.
  • To strengthen Denmark’s international cooperation. Denmark will work with its allies and partners to promote peace, security, and prosperity in the world. Denmark will also be open to new alliances with countries outside of Europe and the West.
  • To promote Danish interests globally. Denmark will be an active player in the global arena and promote Danish interests in areas such as climate, development, and human rights.

To achieve these goals, Denmark will work to:

  • Increase its military engagement in the Baltic and Arctic regions.
  • Strengthen its cooperation with NATO and the EU.
  • Develop new alliances with countries outside of Europe and the West.
  • Support democracy and human rights globally.

The new strategy is a clear indication that Denmark is ready to take a more active role in global and European security policy. It is a strategy that is based on a clear understanding that the world has become a more unpredictable and competitive place.

Explanation of the consequences of the new strategy

The new foreign and security policy strategy has several important consequences for Denmark.

First, it will lead to an increased focus on the military dimension of Denmark’s security. This is seen, for example, in the decision to increase Denmark’s defense spending to 2% of GDP by 2033. This decision will make Denmark one of the most militarily well-equipped countries in Europe.

Second, the new strategy will lead to a greater global engagement. Denmark will be more open to working with countries outside of Europe and the West. This is seen, for example, in the decision to work to develop new alliances with countries in Asia and Africa.

Third, the new strategy will lead to a more active participation in the global arena. Denmark will be more likely to take initiatives and promote Danish interests in areas such as climate, development, and human rights.

The new strategy is a clear indication that Denmark is ready to take a more active role in global and European security policy. It is a strategy that is based on a clear understanding that the world has become a more unpredictable and competitive place.

Specific examples of how the new strategy will be implemented

Here are some specific examples of how the new strategy will be implemented:

  • Increased military engagement in the Baltic and Arctic regions. Denmark will increase its military engagement in the Baltic and Arctic regions. This will be done by sending more troops to the area, improving the infrastructure for transporting troops and equipment to the area, and increasing cooperation with allies and partners in the region.
  • Strengthened cooperation with NATO and the EU. Denmark will strengthen its cooperation with NATO and the EU. This will be done by contributing more to NATO’s deterrence and defense, strengthening cooperation within the EU’s defense policy, and taking the initiative for new cooperation projects in Europe.
  • Development of new alliances with countries outside of Europe and the West. Denmark will be open to developing new alliances with countries outside of Europe and the West. This will be done by working to strengthen cooperation with countries in Asia and Africa that share Denmark’s interests in terms of peace, security, and prosperity.
  • Support for democracy and human rights globally. Denmark will continue to support democracy and human rights globally. This will be done by working to promote democracy and human rights through bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

The new foreign and security policy strategy is an ambitious strategy that will have a significant impact on Denmark’s place in the world.



Bastian Friborg
Bastian Friborg Consulting

Consultant for businesses looking to gain footing in the politicalDenmark. Focus on the public and political Denmark.