AWS Well-Architected Framework And Components

Onur Yıldırım
BilgeAdam Teknoloji
4 min readDec 27, 2020


AWS has gathered systems that can provide secure, high-performance, efficient and pricing optimization advantages under the Well-Architected Framework. In this article, I will talk about this approach.

What is the AWS Well-Architected Framework ?

AWS Well-Architected helps build secure, high-performance, durable and efficient infrastructure for applications and developments in the cloud.
Creating a software architecture is actually like constructing a building. If the foundation of this construction is not solid, structural problems can damage the entire building and its function.
While designing a solution for applications on Amazon Web Services (AWS), neglecting the following 5 requirements of the Well-Architected Framework may force you in this solution process.

  1. Operational Excellence
  2. Security
  3. Reliability
  4. Performance Efficiency
  5. Cost Optimization

Including these pillars in your architecture helps you create stable and efficient systems. In this article, we will make an overview of the five pillars of the Well-Architected Framework.

Components (5 Pillars)

The most attached importance issue of AWS is security. Security pillar, describes how to use Aws technologies to improve and protect resources, systems and infrastructure security. The following principles are taken into account in order to strengthen the security lines of a system and to close security gaps;

  • Build a strong identity management; Tasks need to be separated, with appropriate authorization to users or resources.
  • Keep monitoring active; Real-time monitoring and control, Alarm and Log systems.
  • Automate your security practices.
  • Apply security to all layers; EC2, VPC Components, Operating systems.

2-Performance Efficiency
Performance Efficiency prioritizes using computing resources efficiently in order to meet the changing requirements in the process and to maintain this efficiency as demand changes and technologies develop. While realizing all these, it makes use of the following design principles;

  • Go global in minutes; You can increase your performance efficiency by using services such as Region, Availibility Zone, and CloudFront.
  • Use serverless architectures; You can increase your performance by leaving the administrative side of the business to Aws completely.
  • Test more and gain experience.
  • Choose the technology that best suits your goals.
  • Regularly review your choices and get more from the developing Aws services.

The reliability pillar tries to ensure that an application performs its intended function, at the expected time and consistently.
It includes not only recovery from downtime or service disruptions, but also capacity management and scalability issues. A well-designed architecture suggests the following principles:

  • Test recovery procedures; Testing is not typically used to validate recovery strategies. You can test how the workload failed and verify your recovery procedures, usually in the cloud.
  • Automatic recovery from failure; By monitoring a workload for key performance parameters, you can trigger automation when a threshold is exceeded.
  • Stop guessing the capacity; You can monitor incoming demand, workload, and automate the addition or removal of resources to meet demand without over or under provision.
  • Manage change in automation: Changes in your infrastructure should be made automatically.

4-Cost Optimization
The cost optimization pillar focuses on avoiding unnecessary costs and providing business value at the lowest price point. Key issues include understanding where money is being spent, controlling, choosing the right number of resource types, analyzing spending over time, and meeting business needs without overspending.
Cost optimization can be difficult for your in-house solutions because you need to anticipate future capacity and business needs in procurement processes.

  • Build a consumption model; Pay only for the computing resources you consume and increase or decrease usage according to their needs.
  • Measure overall efficiency; Measure the costs associated with the output of the workload and use this data.
  • Analyze the expenses and correlate them with each other.

5-Operational Excellence
Operational excellence focuses on operating systems, monitoring and continually improving processes and procedures to deliver business value. Key issues include automating changes, responding to incidents, and defining standards for managing daily operations.

  • Perform operations as code; You can define all your workload (applications, infrastructure, etc.) as code on Aws.
    (Infrastructure as Code → IaC)
  • Make frequent, small and reversible changes.
  • Improve operating procedures frequently: When using operating procedures, look for opportunities to improve them.
  • Anticipate failure; Test your failure scenarios and verify that you understand the effect.
  • Learn the whole operation from errors: Use it to improve problems with all events and errors. Share results with teams and all relevant people.


