25 Interesting Facts About Ecuador

Bathroom Reader 🚽
The Bathroom Reader
2 min readFeb 15, 2017


Ecuador is a small country in northwestern South America. It is bordered by Pacific Ocean, Columbia and Peru. It is officially called the Republic of Ecuador. Lets’s explore interesting facts about Ecuador.

  • Ecuador is the world’s largest exporter of bananas.
  • Ecuador became the first country in 2008 to officially recognize the rights of nature.
  • Ecuador abolished slavery and freed black slaves in 1851.
  • Ecuador became the first country in the world to eradicate death penalty in 1906.
  • Mount Chimborazo is the point on Earth closest to the Sun.
  • Ecuador is 1 of the 17 mega diverse countries in the world, and is also the most biodiversity per square kilometer of any nation.
  • 40% of adults in Ecuador don’t have bank account.
  • Spanish is the official language of Ecuador.
  • In Ecuador, there are more mobile phones than people.
  • Ecuador is using the American Dollar as its national currency since 2000.
  • Lunch is the largest meal of the day in Ecuador.
  • Ecuador is the only country in the world that is named after a geographical feature.
  • Ecuador has the world’s first and second UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Galapagos Islands and Quito.
  • Charles Darwin has largely based his theory of evolution on the discoveries he made at the Galapagos Island, which he visited in 1835.
  • Guinea pig, also known as ‘cuy’, is a delicacy in Ecuador.
  • Over 25,000 plant species are found in Ecuador.
  • The Panama hat is actually from Ecuador.
  • Water at Quito boils at 90 degree Celsius, rather than 100 degrees Celsius, because of altitude.
  • 74% of Ecuador population is Roman Catholic.
  • Rose is the national flower of Ecuador.
  • Voting is mandatory to citizens aged between 18–65 in Ecuador.
  • The first female president, Rosalia Arteaga served for only 2 days.
  • Two of the native languages spoken in Ecuador are Quechua and Shuar.
  • Ecuador was part of the Inca Empire until 1533 when Spanish conquered them.
  • 10% of all the plant species in the world are grown here.

