Battle Racers update (April- June 2021)

Altitude Games - Marketing
Battle Racers
Published in
4 min readJun 30, 2021

Welcome to our Battle Racers Update! In these updates, we’ll share with you the status of the game and how development is going. For this joint update covering April to June, we’re announcing the launch of the Summer Time Trials and giving you a sneak peek of the new Garage!

The update is divided into the following sections:

  • Tournament Update
  • Build Update
  • Website Update
  • Press and Events Roundup
  • What’s Next

Tournament Update:

After concluding our Winter Event last April, we hosted the Duel Cup Open, a five-week-long 1v1 tournament with players competing in best-of-3 races on two new race tracks. With contributions from our generous sponsors, we have pooled over US$30,000 worth of NFT prizes and cryptocurrency, including Battle Racers Season 1 crates, our play-to-earn SCRAP currency, POAP tokens, and other exciting prizes from Decentraland, Maker, Polygon, Polyient Games, The Sandbox, Axie Infinity, Neon District, and DCL Core.

From more than 30 participants, Franken has emerged as our Tournament Champion, with MikeFly (2nd), Sabinpro (3rd), and Crows01 (4th) completing our Top 4 finalists.

Up next is our Summer Time Trials which will be taking place on our new underwater race track. Starting July 2nd, 2021, racers will have the chance to win $SCRAP and a featured Car Part NFT of the week. Complete mechanics will be announced in a separate article!

Build Update:

We introduced two new race tracks with out of this world themes! Starry Speedway (Track 3) has a combo of straightaways and loops, while The Aquarium (Track 4) is a pretzel of heights and straights.

Screenshot of new race tracks in the Battle Racers arena on Decentraland
New race tracks!

These new tracks replaced the original forest-themed tracks and may rotate again in the future. The Battle Racers team is also excitedly working on new content that we will reveal in the month of July — so stay tuned!

Website Update:

The Garage is coming in soon too, as the latest update for We’d like to grease the wheels on car assembly UI/UX before introducing more car part interactions down the line.

New and updated NFT images are also being rolled out in stages (starting with our recent Outlier Ventures NFT drop), so you may already see the new looks on your car parts within the next two weeks.

Early concept UI for the new Garage on the Battle Racers website
Sneak Peek: Garage

The features for using $SCRAP to improve and interact with your ERC-721 car parts are arriving soon this year too.

Press and Events Roundup:

Here’s a round-up of all Battle Racers news this quarter:


  • April 19: We officially concluded the Winter Weekly Duels, wherein each week’s Top 2 winners were automatically top-seeded in the Duel Cup Open tournament.
  • April 30: Patrick answered questions about SCRAP and the upcoming tournament in an AMA with Yield Guild Games hosted by Kookoo Crypto TV.


  • May 1: We reached 2,000 members on Discord and celebrated with a giveaway! Eight lucky winners each won a random Battle Racers car part NFT.
  • May 3: The Duel Cup Open began and was featured in


  • June 1: Battle Racers was one of the pitstops during the gamer-themed MetaTrip #21!
  • June 5: Franken and MikeFly faced each other in the Finals Match of the Duel Cup Open!
  • June 11: Outlier Ventures hosted an NFT Giveaway featuring the exclusive Vista Outlier car.
  • June 17: Our partnership with VulcanForged was announced.
  • June 19: Remember our Axie Infinity inspired cars? CloudWhite posted this throwback tweet!

What’s Next:

We’ll have more details about the upcoming features very soon! If you have any questions about the update or suggestions for Battle Racers, let us know on our official channels below.

Follow us here on Medium and join our official Discord server to get the latest news on Battle Racers. And please clap or share if you like this article.

Battle Racers:



Altitude Games - Marketing
Battle Racers

Altitude Games is a leading mobile and blockchain game studio founded by veterans of the Southeast Asian game industry.