Register now for the Battle Racers tournament on December 19

Altitude Games - Marketing
Battle Racers
Published in
6 min readDec 18, 2019
Register now for the Battle Racers tournament happening on December 19!

Start your engines because the first Battle Racers Tournament is happening on December 19, 2019 9AM EST / 3PM CET / 10PM GMT+8.

Registration begins right now! Join our official Discord server and submit the following information in the #tournament-registration channel on or before the deadline on December 19, 7AM EST:

  • Display name used in Battle Racers Early Access
  • ETH address

Check-in will be at December 19, 8AM EST, which is one hour before the round schedule.

Battle Racers is currently on Early Access, and while breaking new records and topping the weekly leaderboard are amazing feats, nothing beats the thrill of competing against other players for some exciting prizes!

Mix and match your best car parts from both our pre-sales and our Season 1 collection to create your ultimate race car, and use your weapons to beat your opponents to the finish line. Here are the complete mechanics.

Battle Racers Early Access Tournament Mechanics

I. Platform

A. Google Chrome is the supported browser to be used to open the Battle Racers Early Access build at Download the latest version here.

II. Format

A. 4-player Free-For-All Brackets — Single Stage Tournament

III. Seeding

A. All registered players will be seeded randomly immediately after the registration period has ended; minimum two players in a bracket.

IV. Registration/Eligibility

A. Players can sign up via our Discord community by submitting the following:

  1. Display Name in the Battle Racers Early Access
  2. ETH Address

B. Your entry will be tied into your Discord ID.

C. Players are required to have purchased at least one (1) Battle Racers Season 1 Crate to join.

D. Registration period is from December 18, 2019 9AM EST to December 19, 2019 7AM EST.

E. Once registration has closed, no more entrants may be included in the seeding.

V. Brackets

Sample tournament bracket
Sample tournament bracket

A. Round schedules will be given ahead of time once registration has finished.

B. Players must check-in on Discord at least 1 hour before their round schedule. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture.

VI. Communication

A. All instructions will be given out in the #tournament channel of the community discord.

B. Voice channels will be designated for the current round/bracket participants, and participating racers will be asked to join it.

C. Current racers in the round/bracket must enable Push-to-Talk, and be respectful to their fellow racers.

D. Waiting racers will be muted until it is their turn to race.

VII. Car Selection

A. Players can select any set of parts they own to make a car.

B. Players can change parts before joining a race (in the Garage, or during the race countdown).

VIII. Tournament Rules

A. Players, once seeded, will have to compete in a 3-race set of Free-For-All Battle Racers on Track 2, Fossefall Freeway, with the 3 other players in their seed table.

B. Empty slots, if any, will be filled in by an AI player, but will not count as a participant in terms of standing and results. For example, if they finish a race as 2nd place, the next human player will be deemed 2nd place in its stead, and so forth.

C. Players will take their podium places in the order seeded in the tournament bracket.

D. Players are allowed one practice game in Fossefall Freeway before their round starts, in their respective podiums. The results of this practice game will not count towards any points.

E. Player 1, in Podium 1, will initiate the race, giving players 2–4 30 seconds to join in. Failure to join within the allotted time will result in forfeiture unless the players or event marshal deems it a false start (false starts will not be counted and the race will be begun again).

F. Once the time to join the race has ended, the race will begin. The winner will be the first player (1st place) across the finish line by the end of the designated amount of laps (5).

G. Points will be awarded corresponding to a player’s resulting race placement.

  • 1st place: 5 pts.
  • 2nd place: 3 pts.
  • 3rd place: 1 pt.
  • 4th place: 0 pts.

H. At the end of 3 games (1 set), each player’s points for the set will be totaled and the player with the highest points is declared the winner.

I. The winner will advance to the next round.

J. In the event of a tie, a tiebreaker race will be played by the tied players separate from their previously played set. The 1st place player of this tiebreaker race will be declared the winner to advance.

K. Further round brackets will be seeded in order of bracket completion.

L. In the case of the final round, the 1st place Player will be crowned Tournament Champion, with the 2nd and 3rd place Players (that are not AI) winning their respective tournament prizes as well. There will be no separate race/round for 2nd/3rd place unless there is a tie in the tallied points in the final round.

IX. Code of Conduct and Tournament Proper

A. Disconnections

  1. A player who is disconnected from a race must forfeit control of their car in the current race, and they will be awarded points for their placement in the race.
  2. In the event of multiple (2–4 players) disconnections in the same race, the race is declared a no-contest, and necessitates that the race be replayed.
  3. Disconnected players have 5 minutes from disconnection to reconnect and rejoin the tournament proceedings before a present player initiates the race.
  4. Podium positions will be maintained as previously declared for a full 3-race set, even when players forfeit or disconnect.
  5. The Battle Racers organizing team reserves the right to declare a no-contest or, conversely, a forfeiture, in the event of disconnections or repeated disconnections that cause disruption of tournament proceedings.

B. Code of Conduct

1. Player Display Names

a. We trust that our players will not employ any offensive, malicious, inappropriate forms of speech in their Display Names. This includes, but not limited to:

  • Threats
  • Overt sexually-harassing innuendo
  • Racism.

b. Players are not allowed to change their Display Names during the race proper. Doing so will result in an automatic forfeiture of the race.

2. Behavior

a. Inappropriate and/or disruptive behavior will not be tolerated in any form or forum of Battle Racers. It is the responsibility of every participant to be aware of these stipulations before engaging in interactions with the game and other players. Claims of ignorance to such information shall not be excused.

b. Listed here are the general offenses that will be met with penalties proportionate to their gravity:

  • General misconduct/misbehavior that disrupts proceedings
  • Use of foul and/or inappropriate language
  • Sexually-harassing statements and interactions
  • Malicious interactions motivated by race or gender
  • Perjury or reporting false incidents or circulating false information
  • Flooding
  • Malicious use of the community Discord channel and other Battle Racers forums
  • Inappropriate advertising
  • Fraud and/or impersonation of another player
  • Fraud and/or impersonation of a Battle Racers / Altitude team member
  • Deliberate and malicious abuse of game issues

3. The organizing team of Battle Racers reserves the right to deliberate and adjudicate possible violations of these stated rules

4. Players can and should report violators to our Community Manager or Moderators. We encourage fair and non-disruptive play and therefore will take steps to investigate these cases and enforce the rules to maintain order and fair treatment.

X. Prizes

A. Tournament Champion

  • Four (4) Gold crates from Season 1
  • Six (6) Silver crates from Season 1
  • Unique Discord Role

B. 2nd Place

  • One (1) Gold crate from Season 1
  • Two (2) Silver crates from Season 1
  • Unique Discord Role

C. 3rd Place

  • Two (2) Silver crates from Season 1
  • Unique Discord Role

D. Participants

  • Discord Role

E. Special Awards:*

  • Best Dressed Car: One (1) Silver crate from Season 1
  • Gritty Guerilla: One (1) Silver crate from Season 1

That’s over $1000 worth of prizes! So good luck everybody, and may the best racer win!

Congratulations to all of our winners!*

Early Access Tournament Results
Franken is our first tournament champion!

Follow us here on Medium and join us on our Discord server for the latest news on Battle Racers. And please clap or share if you like this article. Thanks for reading!

Battle Racers:

*UPDATE: We updated this article on 12/20 with the tournament results and an additional special award for Gritty Guerilla.



Altitude Games - Marketing
Battle Racers

Altitude Games is a leading mobile and blockchain game studio founded by veterans of the Southeast Asian game industry.