Sneak Peek: Car customization!

Battle Racers
Battle Racers
Published in
4 min readFeb 11, 2020

Hello there, racers! It’s Game Designer Benjo of the Battle Racers team once again. Today, I’ll be going over how cars are assembled from parts.

Car Assembly

In our last sneak peek, we talked about car parts and how they work. So now that we know about parts, how do we turn them into cars?

Each car is made up of four (4) parts: Front, Body, Rear, and Wheels. Once you have one of each type, they can be combined together as a car. The stats of the car will be based on the cumulative stats of each of the parts used.

This is called a Practice car.

In-game screenshot of Practice Car
Technically this is a Test Drive, but you get the idea



Sample stats for Bolt Standard Body
Sample stats for Bolt Standard Front
Sample stats for Bolt Standard Rear
Sample stats for Bolt Standard Wheels

Final Car:

Sample stats for Bolt Standard set

The final resulting Practice car will have the stats, and the looks, from the parts assembled. Any part can be assembled with a part from any brand or model; the sky’s the limit! Also, parts can be upgraded at any time outside of races, and can also be swapped through the upcoming garage feature on our website. During Early Access, this can be done temporarily through the garage kiosks located inside the arena. However, a part that is currently on the Ethereum Main Network cannot be used; it must be transferred back to the sidechain.

Cars with parts from different sets
Mix and match parts from any brand or model!

Once these parts are assembled together into a car, you will be able to race on regular tracks. However, this car does not start recording its history nor can it be traded as it is not yet a token. So how do we convert it to a token?


To allow cars to be traded, the car first has to be minted onto the blockchain.

You can view the assembled Practice car in your garage. From there, it can be tokenized to become a Minted car.

What can a Minted car do? Well, it can:

  • Race on Competitive Tracks
  • Be traded on the marketplace
  • Record history for buffs

However, once a car has become Minted, it can no longer swap parts. What you see is what you get. But rest assured that you’ll still be able to upgrade each part individually.

We have more in store for Minted cars in the future.


What do you do when a part you want to use is stuck on a Minted car? It’s simple: just disassemble that Minted car.

Disassembling a Minted car gives all its component parts back to you. You can then reuse the parts you regained for a Practice car, or swap them out with parts of another Practice car you have. However, the recorded history of that car and its buffs are lost as that car no longer exists.

So before I go, what was that about recorded history buffs?

Recorded History

In short, recorded history buffs are additional bonuses applied to cars that clear specific requirements. These requirements are called Milestones, and they all give different bonuses depending on the criteria.

As for how these buffs are gained, applied, and passed on, stay tuned for more information!

Cars racing
Just keep racing, just keep racing


A few additional points:

  • Even if the player has no cars (or not enough parts to create a car), they are able to race on regular tracks with Test Drives
    - Test Drives are sample cars in the garage that will rotate from week to week
    - Test Drives are preset with their own parts and stats
    - Test Drives are denoted on the car selection by a green key and podium
  • Any weapon can be used with any car as they are a separate loadout. More on that in a separate article
  • Minting and Disassembling both require gas fees to complete the operation

That’s it again for now. Tune in soon for more information on races. In the meantime, go ahead and customize your Practice cars in our Early Access build! Follow us here on Medium and join us on Discord for real-time updates. And please clap or share if you like this article. Thanks for reading!

Battle Racers:



Battle Racers
Battle Racers

An action-packed racing game where you build, race, and battle NFT cars on arcade-sized tracks.