Published in
1 min readJun 8, 2023


Battlemon selected to join the ConsenSys Startup Program

Greetings, members of the Battlemon community!

We are thrilled to announce that our project has been selected to participate in the ConsenSys Startup Program. This cooperation gives us exciting opportunities to learn from and grow with top-performing market leaders. Today, we have opened a portal to the fantastic world of ConsenSys for talented web3 builders.

Vitalik Khotyan, Founder and CEO of Battlemon:

I am truly excited to embark on this new path with the support of a leading company like ConsenSys, which has brought unique products to the Web3 world, such as Metamask and Infura. However, with great opportunities come great responsibilities. Stay tuned for more interesting news and announcements about our progress.

Lyubomyr Pavlyk, Co-founder of Battlemon:

ConsenSys has experience and knowledge on how to deal with high loads of data and millions of users. Their extensive experience in developing leading products will undoubtedly help Battlemon to reach our further goals.

Stay tuned for more updates, and don’t forget to visit our key links:


