Update 0.136.0

Published in
3 min readOct 16, 2023

Dev Comment:

A brand new update has just arrived, and it brings along some exciting brand new features and improvements! Firstly, you can now enjoy a new feature: Library. This addition adds a new element to the gameplay, providing you with an immersive and engaging experience. Not only that, but a new champion has also been introduced, offering a fresh and unique playstyle for everyone to explore and master.

As always we welcome your opinions and suggestions, which you can share with us through social media or Discord. Your comments do not go unnoticed.

Ready to ‘book’splore?

The moment we have all been eagerly waiting for has arrived — the library is now open and ready to embark on a journey of boundless knowledge! Be prepared to immerse yourself in the enchanting world of two books, flipping through pages and uncovering a treasure trove of wisdom and challenges that will test your strategy.

Prepare to be awe-struck as you uncover the legendary rewards that await your triumphant return. Three remarkable champions, Gozu, Fionann, and Cassiel, stand ready to join your ranks, each possessing awe-inspiring skills and unmatched power. With their arrival, you can forge new strategies, conquer formidable foes, and pave your way towards unprecedented glory.

Insanity Strikes: The Baron Haunts the Unstable Portal!

Gate 1, Unstable Portal has once again been haunted by the restless, seething wrath of the Insane Baron which has also caused the residing forces of Tiamat to grow in strength as well. Fortunately, magical Fountains await travelers there again, providing a treat for those thirsting for magical water as well as additional troubles and thus treasures.

We also:

  • Added support for single shards and shard packs
  • Fixed timer and confirmation for buy arena daily cap popup
  • Restored custom animation for her sacrifice skill for Cassiel
  • Fixed timer in the arena store
  • Fixed season refresh in the main arena screen
  • Fixed store refresh when changing seasons
  • Fixed Bugs related to the finalization of some purchases, from now on they should all go through flawlessly
  • Fixed Packages awarded in redeem code

What’s coming next?

Rumors abound as a mystical forge makes its way to BattleRise, promising the acquisition of powerful artifacts. What wonders await the daring adventurer who seeks its secrets?

Be sure to connect with us on our Discord and other social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) for the latest updates.

If you haven’t downloaded the game yet — join us in this amazing, journey by downloading the game for free now! On Google Play or App Store.


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