7 factors you should know that contribute to a good relationship with your Customer

Naiane Lara
Published in
3 min readAug 10, 2017

The most important part of a company is undoubtedly the customer.

Although there are sectors that maintain direct contact with the customer, such as sales and support, the entire team in an IT company is responsible for the quality of the service.

All together offer an efficient service, in order to make the customer feel comfortable and create a good bond with the company.

In this text will focus the support sector, but the entire team should understand these factors.


Just as in an affective relationship, trust is the basis of everything both within the company and with customers. You must pass trust to your client. Something that contributes to this is your knowledge about the product, so you will understand what the customer really needs and it will facilitate the resolution of possible problems.
In addition, it is important that you be honest and have a friendly relationship with your client. Within the company is the same case, the team must pass trust to each other, so that everything can flow to the best way possible.

Agility and effectiveness in problem solving

If the customer has a problem, we must be able to identify how this problem arose and propose solutions so that it can be solved. You need to keep in touch with the customer to understand what is happening and work to solve it in the best possible way. The cooperation within the company is fundamental because if everyone works together, the solution will come in a faster and more efficient way.

Feedback as a quality indicator

Nothing better than the customer contact to evaluate whether the service or product being marketed has the expected quality.
Not to mention that, when you are the one who comes in contact asking for feedback of the product offered, the customer feels that you did not just want to sell, but that you care about the quality of what you are selling. And it is by evaluating customer feedback that we will realize which points need improvement and which ones should be kept as they are.

Upsell Opportunity

When you are close to your client, you know what they really need. You know if the need for it is being met, and if it is not, you may even be able to offer another more profitable service.

A good reputation is fundamental

In B2B commerce, reputation is very relevant (not so much as in B2C, but it is relevant!), since, generally, the deals are not made with the person in charge of the acquisition, but with someone who does the negotiation and goes to the superior. Even so, we must create a good reputation, because the information that will be passed during a negotiation about your company is what is going to interfere.

Know how to say “No”

Whenever you are asked about some service or product that you do not offer, be honest in saying you do not own it, the customer will place trust in you, and he will feel he is not being fooled. You need to know how to explain it to the customer, use the right words. So you will be building a trusting relationship with your client.
If it is in his interest, you can offer some similar product that you have.

Quality in Customer Service

Needless to say that a quality service means treating the customer well! That is an obligation.

Give full attention to your customer, even when replying to an email! No procrastination! Respond quickly, never let go of what you can solve now.

There is nothing worse than, for example, entering a store and waiting to be served. If it is a more time-consuming solution, be clear and tell the customer that you and the entire team are working to find the best solution.

In fact, treat your client as if he were the only one! Be patient and kind, always have education and common sense, this helps build a long-standing relationship.

And again, be honest with your client, he will like it, you will not feel cheated! In the event of an unforeseen event, for example, notify the customer even if it means a decrease in your billing during that time because it is better to lose a little money for some time than to lose the customer permanently.

